Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors
This information was donated to the site by Tamara Kinkaide, Susie Rose, Judy Featherstone, Holly Vonderohe, Janice Beazer and Karen Nance.
April 21, 1916
Boonville Standard
EDNA MAYO KIDNAPED IN HER OWN AUTO, Edna Mayo, who plays the part of the
proud and haughty Helen Steele in Essanay's five-act feature, "The
Misleading Lady," used her own car to be abducted in. Miss Mayo
smilingly declared that if she were to be stolen away by a man who loved
her she would rather it be done in her own car. "The Misleading Lady,"
featuring Henry B. Walthall and Miss Mayo, will be seen at the Forrest
theatre on Friday, April 21.
Gray, John Major
September 8, 1916 Boonville Standard
John Major Gray, the second son of Jonathan Harvey and Polly Ann Ashley Gray, was born on the home farm near Boonville December 26, 1855, and died at Walker's sanitarium in Evansville September 4, 1916. His youth was passed on the farm. At an early age he began teaching school, which profession he followed for years, being at different times a student at the Indiana State Normal at Terre Haute. About 1884, he went to Olivette, South Dakota, returning later to Valparaiso, Ind., where he entered the law department in the university there. After graduating he located at Parkston, South Dakota, and practiced law for a number of years. Mr. Gray was married to Mrs. Jennie M. Keen at Fort Atkinson, Wis., December 30, 1892. To this union one son was born, Halleck Foster Gray. Near eighteen years ago he returned to Indiana, thinking to benefit his wife's health, she having become an invalid. After twelve years of invalidism she died. On August 12, he was married to his sister-in-law, Miss Clara Crane. Mr. Gray was a member of the Presbyterian church in Dakota, and when he came to Indiana he united with the First Presbyterian church in Boonville, and was at one time a member of the executive board. He was a man who knew sorrow, and the patient christian fortitude with which he bore all adversity was phenomenal. He was never known to complain of his lot. Cheerful patience was the keynote of his character, and his trust in the Divine Providence was childlike in its simple faith. He was a kind and thoughtful husband and a devoted father. He leaves to mourn his loss besides his wife and one son, one sister, Mrs. Nettie Dubois, and one granddaughter.
Pepmiller, Fannie
September 15, 1916 Boonville Standard
Mrs. Fannie Pepmiller died Thursday afternoon after several weeks' illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Homer Gardner. Mrs. Pepmiller was in her seventieth year and had made her home with her daughter since the death of her husband, August Pepmiller, several years ago. Funeral services were held at the residence Saturday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. H. Schoettle, pastor of the German Evangelical church, of which Mrs. Pepmiller was a faithful member. She had many warm friends here, as she was one of our best loved older citizens. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Homer Gardner; an adopted daughter, Mrs. J. Wilder, and several grandchildren; also one brother, Mr. Christ Brenner of Henderson. Interment took place at Rose Hill.
Fuquay, Ira B.
March 30, 1917 Boonville Standard
We are grieved to record the death of one of the oldest residents of Warrick county, Ira B. Fuquay, who died at his home north of Newburgh, Feb. 24, 1917, after an illness of several weeks, at the ripe age of 76 years, 3 months and 17 days. Mr. Fuquay was born in Warrick county Nov. 7, 1840, and his death marks the passing of the last of five stalwart sons of John W. Fuquay, one of the Warrick county pioneers; David, Elisle, Stephen, George and Ira. He leaves his wife, Sarah, and one sister, Mrs. John Holder. When a young man, Mr. Fuquay taught school, and in the school room began the romance of his life when a warm affection sprang up between a bright eyed little girl and the tall teacher, an affection which resulted in the marriage April 16, 1875, of Mr. Fuquay with Miss Sarah E. Roberts, his sweetheart of the school room. Although no children were born of this marriage, all the young people of the neighborhood regarded Uncle Ira and Aunt Sarah as their own kin and freely flocked to the big house in its woodland setting, assured of a warm welcome and a lively interest in their joys and successes, of an equally ready sympathy in their troubles or sorrows. Never was anyone turned away from that hospitable door who came seeking help or advice, either of household emergency or financial aid. Uncle Ira's kindness to animals was proverbial, and he never permitted an old horse or cow to be sold after it had outlived its usefulness, but provided it with good care and food until its life ended. Even the squirrels in Uncle Ira's beloved forest, from which he permitted no trees to be cut, recognized him as their protector and friend and ran chattering down fearlessly to eat of food put out for the stock. The funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. S.S. Penrod with whom Uncle Ira had long ago discussed the details of the funeral and had selected the text he wished used for the sermon, and the hymns he wished sung, favorites of his youth. During the song and sermon, memories were busy with many kind words and deeds of the dead man, and the long train of friends and relatives followed the remains to their last resting place in the old Ellis cemetery, with sincere sorrow, realizing that they had lost a good friend.
The Boonville Standard
Friday, December 21, 1917
Earl Kelley and Hobart Dedman, two of our local boys, were initiated into the Elks lodge Monday night.
Mrs. Martha Stone (Hurst, Taylor), age 73, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Robinson, at 10:30 Saturday morning. Mrs. Stone had been in poor health for several months.
Death claimed Ben F. Stephens Saturday at the age of 80 years. The body was taken to the Twin cemetery Sunday morning for burial. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Lindsey and Mrs. Clarke.
The body of Mrs. Agnes J. Richmond, whose death occurred at her home in Evansville, arrived in Boonville Friday. Funeral services were held at Baker cemetery Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Effie Wilson, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shreve, died at their home in Seventh street Tuesday. Interment at Bethabara church Wednesday. A simple service was held by Rev. D. L. Fraser Wednesday morning.
The Westminster Guild was entertained by Miss Hettie Hunt at the home of Mrs. Lillian Moore Monday evening. Misses Ida Trimble and Florence White were in charge of the program. Immediately following the program officers were elected for the coming year as follows: president, Neva Owens; vice-president, Lucy Hemenway; secretary, Florence White; treasurer, Ida Trimble. A vote of thanks was extended the former president, Miss Gladys Gough, for her untiring efforts of the past year. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Moore, served a delicious salad course.
Charles Krohn will sell real estate at his farm, 1/2 mile west of Tennyson, on the second day of March, 1918, at 2 p.m.
Polk, David
January 4, 1918 Boonville Standard
David Polk was born Feb. 26, 1864, and passed away Dec. 29, 1917, at the age of 53 years, 9 months and 8 days. On the third day of February, 1894, he was married to Carrie Lowe and to this union no children were born. On the morning of Dec. 25, 1917, he told his loved ones that he knew his end was near. He informed them that he had made his peace with his God and that he was therefore ready to die. He earnestly requested them not to grieve when the moment of his departure might come. His wife, mother, two brothers, Heilman and Homer, two sisters, Mrs. Commodore Gentry and Mrs. Wm. Stearn, together with many friends, survive him. The funeral service was held at Freedom church and the Rev. A.E. Lehmann officiated. The remains were inhumed at Freedom cemetery.
Schellhase, Marie
January 4, 1918 Boonville Standard
Marie Schellhase died at St. Mary's hospital, Evansville, Dec. 26, 1917, at the age of 25 years. Mrs. Schellhase walked to St. Mary's on Friday afternoon and was operated on Saturday morning, after which peritonitis set in. She leaves her husband and little son Eugene, also her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lockyear; one sister, Ollie Riley of Flatwood, Tenn.; one brother Fred Lockyear of Lincoln, Ill. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Montgomery at Smith's Chapel, after which interment took place at Oak Hill cemetery, Friday morning.
Jun 13, 1919
Boonville Standard
?Charles E. Skinner, formerly principal of the Boonville high school and
last season superintendent of the Rockport schools, has accepted the
principalship of the Lexington, KY., high school for the term of
1919-20. This is quite a promotion for Mr. Skinner and is fully
appreciated by his many Boonville friends. It is understood that the
Skinner family will make their home in Boonville until Mr. Skinner takes
up his new duties next fall.
?Samuel W. Parker, a well known citizen of this county, died Wednesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Matilda Boyer, 7 miles southeast of Boonville. He was in his ninetieth year. He leaves one daughter, named above, and four sons, Messrs. Nick, Tom, Henry and Elijah. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made other than that the burial will be at Mt. Gilead, three miles south of Boonville.
?Lieut. Alvah G. Slade and Miss Hazel H. Shrode of Evansville were married at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday evening, the Rev. C. C. Edwards officiating. The couple were accompanied by Wm. Denton, a classmate of the bride. Mrs. Slade is a popular teacher in the Evansville schools. Mr. Slade, who has but recently returned from overseas, has a desirable position with the Bucyrus Co. in Milwaukee. When her school shall close Mrs. Slade will join her husband in Milwaukee, where they will make their home.?
Jun 13, 1919
Boonville Standard
?RED CROSS NOTES: How the Nursing Department Will benefit from Third Red
Cross Roll?The chance to save a life led many a woman to enlist for
overseas duty during the war.
The glamour of nursing as a wartime profession is past; but the
opportunity to save life is still open.
One of every 5 babies dies before its first birthday. One of every ten
men and women dies of tuberculosis in the prime of life. Two and a half
million men were rejected in selective service physical examinations.
Two dollars per capita is the average amount spent in the U.S. for fire
and police departments, eight to ten dollars for public school education.
The health of the average community receives 29 cents a year.
A life is just a precious in a peaceful community as on the battlefield.
Save a life now by entering the nursing profession or encourage the
establishment of a Public Health Nursing Service in your community.
Chapter funds obtained from the Third Red Cross roll call, Nov. 3-11,
may be used for the maintenance of a Public Health Nurse. Answer the
Third Roll Call, march with the Red Cross in its crusade for the health
of the world.
Don't fail to see Red Cross films when they come to our local theatre.
They will show you how the Red Cross is still at work at home and
abroad, taking care of people who happen to be suffering through no
fault of their own.
Charles E. Skinner, formerly principal of the Boonville high school and
last season superintendent of the Rockport schools, has accepted the
principalship of the Lexington, Ky., high school for the term of
1919-20. This is quite a promotion for Mr. Skinner and is fully
appreciated by his many Boonville friends. It is understood that the
Skinner family will make their home in Boonville until Mr. Skinner takes
up his new duties next fall.
* Albert Buzzingham, the 14-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus
Buzzingham, who live near Stanley, came near losing his life from the
loss of blood caused by his arm being completely severed when he was
thrown from a disc. His horses became frightened and ran away, throwing
the boy out in the field. Dr. Luther, a veterinarian of this place, was
passing the field in his car and heard the boy groan and gave him first
aid. Dr. J. T. Samples of this place was called.
* Lieut. Alvah G. Slade and Miss Hazel H. Shrode of Evansville were
married at the Methodist parsonage, Wednesday
* Germany declared war upon the United States, although it did not use
the word "war," January 3, 1917. On that day Germany notified the United
States that in six hours it would begin to sink American ships on the
high seas.
Friday Sep 12, 1919
Boonville, Warrick County, Indiana (name of paper not available)
?School Notes: Doings of the Week in the Schools, Both in the High
School and in the Grades.---
The enrollment in the public schools at the close of the third day shows
an increase over last year. In the high school the gain was 29; in the
grades, 6. The total increase over last years was 35. A number of pupils
have not yet entered for various reasons. Some are out to assist with
the tobacco; others are ill. The figures at the beginning of the second
week will show a higher percentage of increase. The largest increase
took place in the high school. This indicates that the people in general
now appreciated the advantages of a high school education. The
enrollment in various buildings is as follows:
High School- 251
Clarke School- 471
First Street School- 310
Colored School - 32
Total 1061
C.A. Roberts, principal of the Clarke school, states that the eighth
grade class which completed its work last June has entered the high
school one hundred per cent strong. The class and Boonville should feel
proud of this record, as it is a distinction of which few schools can
boast. This is especially true when it is considered that the class
numbered 38.
All of the teachers were in their places Monday morning with the
exception of Miss Agnes B. Shaley, teacher of English in the high
school. Miss Shaley resigned unexpectedly a few days before the opening
of school to accept a more lucrative position in another school. Miss
Minnie Pace is filling the position temporarily.
Ex-Senator J. A. Hemenway, who presented the school last year with a large athletic field adjoining the Clarke school, is preparing the plans for a modern athletic stadium. Mr. Humphries, park commissioner of Evansville, has charge of the work. After the grounds have been drained and graded he plans to lay out a football field, baseball diamond, a one eighth mile track and a tier of tennis courts.
C.C. Katterjohn, principal of the high school, will have charge of the school athletics this year. He has had a number of years of experience in coaching high school athletes. The prospects for a winning basketball team are very bright. A large number of boys have signified their intention to try for a place on the squad. George Greer is the captain. There is also and active interest in football.
Friday Sep 12, 1919
Probably the Boonville Standard.
"Worth Carter and John Hawkins, well known farmers living west of
Boonville, lost their lives at the bottom of an old well Tuesday morning
about nine o'clock, death being due to asphyxiation. The bodies were not
recovered from the well until the noon hour, the task being accomplished
by employees of the Bureau of Mines who came from Evansville in a
government rescue car.
Mr. Carter undertook to clean out a well and had shot it with dynamite the evening before. In the morning he was lowered into the well by a helper, a Mr. McNeeley, assuming that the dangerous fumes had escaped during the night. The peculiar movements of the rope aroused the fears of the helper, who at once began to investigate. He failed to receive any response to his calls and concluded that Mr. Carter in all probability was lying unconscious at the bottom of the well, a victim of deadly gas. He started for help.
The first persons he met were James Hawkins and his son John, who, upon being apprised of the situation, hurried to the scene of the casualty. The younger Hawkins volunteered to go down into the well. He did not wait to have the rope tied about his body, but grasped the rope and when he had descended a few feet he called that he was overcome, but just as they were pulling him up, dropped to the bottom, a distance of 35 feet. As stated above the two bodies were not recovered from the well until three hours later. It meant, death to any person attempting to go down into the foul air until it had been cleared out. This was accomplished, and the bodies were then brought to the surface without further mishap.
Worth Carter resided on the old Carter homestead a short distance from
where the accident occurred. He is survived by his mother, his wife, two
children, his sisters and one brother.
John Hawkins was a promising young man. He was interested in live stock,
being owner of Josephine Boy, a fast pacer. He attended all the fairs in
this community, having returned from the Owensboro fair only Saturday
night, having won several races. He was in camp at Camp Taylor ready to
go overseas when the armistice was signed. He is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins; two brothers, James and George
Hawkins; two sisters, Miss Mattie Mae and Elizabeth, and his aged
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hinman of this place.
The Hawkins funeral was held Thursday afternoon with interment at Maple
Grove cemetery. The Carter funeral will take place this afternoon and
burial will be had at Wesley Chapel."
Bippus, Henry A.
October 10, 1919 Boonville Standard
Henry A. Bippus was born June 23, 1854, at Evansville, Ind. In young manhood he attended Elmhurst College at Elmhurst, Ill., but did not graduate. He was married to Caroline Kroeger on Feb. 22, 1883. To this union six children were born, Henry A., Jr., Walter F., Rosa, Freda, Mrs. Frank C. Pate and Marie, who died in infancy. He leaves his widow, his children and one grandchild, Ethelyn Pate. He died on Sept. 27, 1919. Services were held at Zion's church in Newburgh, Rev. Kanzler of Boonville officiating. Interment took place at Rose Hill cemetery, Newburgh. He was always a loving husband, a dutiful father and a true friend. He remained ever faithful to his Friend and Saviour, whom he learned to know in his childhood days. He was interested in church and liked to go to church.
Heim, Constantine E.
January 2, 1920 Boonville Standard (from the Evansville Courier)
DEATH TAKES OLD RESIDENT - CONSTANTINE E. HEIM DIED AT AGE OF 82 YEARS - MOVED HERE IN THE FIFTIES - Constantine E. Heim, one of the oldest residents of Evansville and one of its early settlers, passed away at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at the family home, 1003 South Governor street, surrounded by his wife and family. Death came as the result of a short illness, followed by a paralytic stroke last Wednesday. He was nearing his eighty-third birthday. Mr. Heim was born in Eisfield, Germany, Feb. 25, 1837. His father and mother with family of five children emigrated to America in 1852, landing at New Orleans, and came to Evansville. He remained in Evansville ten months, working during the time at the John Laval drug store, then located where Strouse and Bros. store now is. He moved to Warrick county and engaged in farming, remaining there until 1907, when he again moved to Evansville. Mr. Heim was methodical in his habits and as an example he kept a diary all his life, the last entry being made Monday, Dec. 22. A short funeral service will be held at the home Tuesday morning at nine o'clock by Rev. Couchman of Central M.E. Church, after which the body will be taken to Asbury church in Warrick county, where further services will take place, interment following at Asbury cemetery. The widow, Mrs. Lena Heim, and the following children are left: Mrs. Henry Brooklocker, Cloverport, Ky., Edwin Heim, Chandler; Mrs. Chas. Ruston, Chandler; Mrs. Chas. Stolz, St. Louis; Harmon Heim, Long Beach, Cal.; Mrs. Emma Harp, Wann, Okla.; Mrs. Adrain Grimwood, Mt. Vernon; Arthur Heim, Terre Haute; Henry Heim, Los Angeles; Mrs. Fred Siegel, Boonville; Bruce Heim, Atlanta, Ga., Benjamin Heim, Chicago; John Heim and Miss Ida Heim, this city. There are two step-children, Mrs. Ralph Veeck of Kokomo and Miss Bertha Page of this city.
Axton, Ophelia Bennett
March 5, 1920 Boonville Standard
Mrs. Ophelia Bennett Axton was born in Spencer county March 12, 1870 and died Feb. 27, 1920, aged 49 years, 11 months and 26 days. She was united in marriage to A.L. Axton March 4, 1886. This union was blessed with three sons, of whom Richard P. is the only one who survives. She also leaves her husband and two little grandchildren, Ruth and Nora Lee; also a nephew, George Bennett. She was united with the Church of Christ in 1903 and baptized at Old Friendship church, of which she remained a faithful member until death. She was a dutiful and loving wife and mother and her hand was always ready to administer to the wants of her family and all others who needed assistance.
Roth, George J.
March 5, 1920 Boonville Standard
George J. Roth was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1838. In 1854 he came with his parents to Warrick county. He was united in marriage with Sophie Roth (nee Mesing) Nov. 19, 1863. Nine children, 2 sons and 7 daughters were born to this union. One daughter twelve years of age preceded him in death. In his youth he was a member of the United Brethren church in Warrick county. May 12, 1872, he joined the German M.E. church, of which he remained a faithful member until the end. Brother Roth was a noble character, a devout christian and a kind father. Since the departure of his wife he had no further desire to live. He was sick only three weeks, and on Thursday, Feb. 26, 1920, he passed away. He is survived by 2 sons, 6 daughters, 26 grandchildren and many friends. Funeral services were conducted at the home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. John Claus, pastor of the German M.E. church, officiating. The burial took place at the Roth cemetery.
Nov 19, 1920
Boonville Standard
?Sunday being the 69th birthday of Mrs. John Hunt of Tennyson, relatives
and friends gathered at her home with well-filled baskets and gave her a
surprise dinner. Those present were Alvah Campbell and family and Eskel
Heilman, of Evansville; W.A. Campbell and family, Clarence McCool and
family of Boonville; John Hunt, Jr. and family, Ab Hunt and family,
Lawrence Hadley and family, and John Hunt, Sr., and wife, of Tennyson.
All remained until a late hour having a pleasant time.?
Laura France, youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Martin,
underwent an operation for the removal of tonsils and adenoids at the
Martin Emergency Hospital Wednesday. She is doing nicely.
The home of Jack Bufkin on east Locus street caught fire Saturday
afternoon but the flames were soon extinguished, having done little
Mrs. Edna Hall and daughter, Bernice, visited at John Leslie's Sunday.
Miss Mary Leslie was guest of Selma Cox Sunday
Miss Emma Howes
The Boonville Standard
Friday, July 8, 1921
The remains of Miss Emma Howes, age 45 years, whose death occurred in Evansville Wednesday morning, were taken to Folsomville for burial.
Jonathan Folsom, age 73 years, died Saturday and funeral services were held Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial at Pleasant Hill cemetery.
Miss Naomi Elizabeth Marshall and Lawrence William Taylor, of Evansville were married here Saturday afternoon at the M. E. parsonage, Dr. C. C. Edwards officiating.
Curtis L., the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutton, died Saturday. Funeral services were held Monday at one o'clock at Gentryville. Burial at Gentryville cemetery.
Melvina, the 3-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bilderback, whose death from an attack of acute indigestion occurred last Friday, was buried Sunday at Maple Grove cemetery.
Rev. Edwin F. Shake, of Odon, Indiana, will preach at the Hemenway Mem. church Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Shake and children are here visiting Mrs. Shake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis and other relatives.
Henry F. Fulling is home from Tulsa, Okla. for a two weeks' stay before returning with his family to reside. Mr. Fulling has purchased a home and is very enthusiastic about the city.
Lowe, Orville
September 23, 1921 Boonville Standard
BODY COMING - THIS COMMUNITY TO HONOR ORVILLE LOWE, FIRST BOONVILLE SOLDIER KILLED IN ACTION - Telegraphic advice was received that the body of Orville Lowe, the first Boonville boy to be killed in action in the World War, had reached Hoboken and will be shipped in a few days. The American Legion and kindred organizations will have charge of the funeral arrangements, which will be announced later. This soldier was one of the first to enlist in old Company G, 4th Indiana Infantry, which was mustered into federal service Aug. 5, 1917. The organization was transferred into the 139th Field Artillery and moved to Camp Shelby, Miss. While stationed there Lowe was one of a replacement detachment of 5,000 men which left on June 4, 1918. Casualties were high in this detachment, as almost without exception they were transferred to the front without delay. Lowe was killed in action on July 18, 1918. He was the only one out of the original Co. G to be killed in action. The citizens of Boonville should show no less respect to their first soldier son to be killed in action than the city of Evansville showed to its first. He made the greatest sacrifice and the least we can all do is sacrifice a part of our time to pay the homage he has earned.
Lowe, Orville
September 30, 1921 Boonville Standard
Orville Lowe was born in Boonville, Ind., Feb. 2, 1898. He was a miner by occupation. He enlisted in the army Aug. 5, 1917, being a member of Co. G, 4th Ind. Inf. Later he was transferred to the 139th field artillery at Camp Shelby. He left Camp Shelby on the fourth of June, 1918, and sailed overseas June 11. He took part in the Chateau Thierry drive and was killed in action July 18, 1918. He was buried in Belleau, Aisne, France, from which place his body was exhumed and sent to rest in home soil. He leaves a father and mother and many friends to mourn his loss and to be proud of his service for his county.
April 21, 1922
Boonville Standard
John Perigo, 80, Civil War Veteran, died at his home in Tennyson. He was
a member of Indiana 120 Co. E. He is survived by his widow, two
daughters, Mrs. Wayne Toole of Tennyson, Mrs. Lillie Stevens of
Evansville; two sons, Wm. Perigo of Evansville and Charles Perigo of
near Garrison Chapel. Mr. Perigo was the son of Samuel and Nancy Perigo
and was born June 23, 1843 and died April 18, 1922. He married Sarah
Isabelle Rhoads, Feb. 10, 1876.
February 2, 1923
Boonville Standard
"Last Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Kelly the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth to Calvin Strickland
DeWeese was quietly solemnized. The beautiful ring ceremony was used and
the service was performed by Rev. E. A. Robertson of Indianapolis, a
friend of the family and a former pastor of the Boonville M. E church.
Only the immediate families were present. The bride, who is a graduate
of the Boonville high school has taught for the past two years in the
Clarke school. She is one of Boonville's most popular and charming
girls. Mr. DeWeese is also a graduate of the Boonville high school and
once student of Purdue University. He is one of the popular younger men
of the city, and at present is in the employ of the Sunlight Coal
Company. For nearly a year he was connected with the office of the city
engineer. The young couple are now at home to their friends at 106 East
Locust Avenue."
* The oil well being drilled on the property of T. D. Scales, about 1
1-4 miles northeast of Boonville, is progressing in a gratifying manner.
The drilling has now reached the 1000 feet mark.
* Mrs. I. O. Henning suffered a severely sprained ankle Tuesday night at
the public library as she was leaving a meeting of the Woman's Club. She
was assisted to her home, and was in a great deal of pain.
* Last Friday night Hebron lodge, No. 144 I.O.O. F., held a very
enthusiastic meeting. A large turnout of members were present ad
listened to an inspiring address on "Odd Fellowship" by Union W.
Youngblood. Vernon Sullenger became a member or transfer. He formerly
belonged to a lodge in Kentucky.
* A movement is on foot for the organization of a band for Boonville.
Albert H. Trimble is trying to get a committee organized and call upon
the band men in the city. It has been some time since Boonville had a
municipal band. The Boonville high school has a very commendable band
under the direction of George Fred Isley, and when summer comes this
would form the nucleus for a band of more than 35 members.
* Major Guy W. Camp, a former Boonville man, received musical honors in
New York recently when he was appointed director of the Rockefeller
bible class. He has been organist for the bible class in the new million
dollar Rockefeller Baptist church for some time, and his appointment as
director bespeaks his ability as a musician. The orchestra numbers 325
instrumentalists. Contributed by the Inquiring Reporter.
* An enthusiastic meeting was held in the Boonville high school
auditorium Wednesday afternoon in the interest of purchasing a Crosley
radio receiving set. A committee consisting of Wm. Youngblood, John
Wilson and Artie Bolin was appointed to devise means of raising the
amount needed. It will take $175. Either a pie social or a concert will
be given soon.
* A marriage license was issued in Evansville Monday to Miss Clara Henn
of Chandler and Frank H. Basler, a machinist of Mt. Vernon.
* Miss Fanny McCulla has sold her property on N. First street, occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Harden Gentry, to Misses Georgia and Mary Fuller.
* Rabbi Israel of Evansville delivered an entertaining and instructive
lecture Thursday evening at St. John's Evangelical church before the
community bible class.
* John J. Lutz has purchased the Bowles property on W. Locust street and
will move into it sometime in the early spring. Mr. Lutz sold his farm
three miles south of town recently to the Pigeon Creek Coal company.
* B.W. Baker of this city and J.G. Broshears of Tennyson are contracting
with tomato growers for the Lippincott company for the 1923 tomato crop.
There will be quite a large acreage this year.
* Wyman (Pat) Jones received a letter signed K.K.K. recently. He was
accused of being a reckless taxi driver. There was no warning in it. Pat
says he will not leave town or commit suicide on account of receiving
* Mrs. Henry Osha entertained a coterie of friends at a noonday dinner
Tuesday at her home on East Main street. Those present were Miss Ida
Thornburgh, Mrs. Fred Whitcomb and son Wallace and Mrs. Homer Jeffries
and daughter, Miss Helen.
* James Stephens and Roy Jeffries, charged with larceny, were dismissed
today. The Ford car they were charged with driving to St. Louis was paid
for and the case dropped.
* Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schimmelpfennig entertained a small party of
friends Friday evening in honor of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Vaughn Davis, of Denver. A musical evening was enjoyed followed by a
delicious luncheon.
* Mrs. Edwin Koegel and Miss Donna Smoot were hostesses for their
newmarket club Thursday evening of last week at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller on S. Second street. A salad course
followed the game. Mrs. Walter M. Morand of Chicago was an out-of-town
* Raymond Caswell, young son of Dwight Caswell, who was accidentally
shot by a companion while hunting Thanksgiving day, returned to
Boonville Tuesday from Hayden's sanitarium, where he had been a patient
since the accident. Young Caswell is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. A.
J. Julian, before returning home.
* A marriage which comes as a surprise to their friends is that of Miss
Ethel Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, and Earl Baker, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Baker. The marriage took place August 16 in
Princeton. The young couple will reside in Boonville. Mr. Baker is an
employee at the Menden mine.
* At a business meeting Wednesday afternoon of the M.E. Social Guild the
following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. E.L. Wilkins,
president; Mrs. Frank Clark vice-president; Mrs. Dennis Beeler,
secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Philip Werry, assistant; Mrs. Rudolph Ruble,
press reporter. The following program committee was also appointed: Mrs.
Robert Wilson, Mrs. J.W. Mason and Mrs. Eli Kohlmeyer.
* The following officers have been elected by the Boonville Central
Labor Union for the ensuing year: president, Frank Thorbecke;
vice-president, Adolph Powers; treasurer, Mrs. Mabel Pursley; recording
and corresponding secretary, Claude Wolfe; financial secretary, Nick
Jeffries; trustees, Sam Lawrence, R. Dedman and John Hart;
sergeant-at-arms, Chris Sanders; doorkeeper, William Reynolds.
* The missionary society of the Hem. Mem. Church met at the home of Mrs.
Will Roth, E. Main street, Friday afternoon. The scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. E.A. Jarrett; the Home topic ably discussed by Mrs. Thorn
Rose and the Foreign topic by Mrs. Lula Tweedy. The following officers
were elected for the year: Mrs. Florence Scales, president; Mrs. Dave
Miller, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Nannie Wilson, 2d vice-president; Mrs.
Maude Rhudy, secretary; Mrs. M. Lamar, treasurer; Mrs. Lula Tweedy,
press reporter. Mrs. Edna Baker reported a deed of charity. After the
serving of refreshments the meeting adjourned.
* A fine boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen on
* Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Campbell, at their home on N. Third
street Tuesday night, a daughter.
* Mrs. Mary M. Drury and daughter Miss Dena of Evansville are said to be
improving at St. Mary's hospital in that city, victims of an auto
collision in this county on the state highway Sunday when their car was
knocked over by a speeding auto alleged to have been driven by Charles
Seitz, also of Evansville. Hale was arrested by Chief of Police Finch
Monday and brought to Boonville for trial. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Ruble and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horn went to the aid of the two ladies and took them
to the hospital.
* Dr. and Mrs. E.A Robertson, who were here several days last week
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jeffries, returned to Indianapolis
Saturday. They were the recipients of much attention during their short
stay in Boonville, where Dr. Robertson was a former pastor of the M.E.
* A noonday luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Myers and a six
o'clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Thomas on Thursday and
a noon luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carter and an evening dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Hargrave on Friday were given in their honor.
March 23, 1923
Boonville Standard
?Barnett Chapel (Elsie Madden, Cor.)
Revs. Brown, France and Curr will hold their regular meeting here next
Saturday and Sunday.
* Mr. Hezekiah Turpen and family spent Sunday at Leslie Butchers.
* Mrs. Claude Grisson and daughters, Geneva and Dorothy spent Sunday at
Chas. Thompson.
* Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heilman of Millersburg spent Tuesday at Leslie
* Ray McDonald has purchased a new Ford roadster.
* Rev. Moore of Mackey preached here last Saturday night and Sunday.
* Uncle Bud Miller, who has been very ill, and Mrs. Cleva Baker are both
* Miss Ida Drostee is visiting in Evansville.
* Rev. Moore and family of Mackey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
* Lawrence Jenkins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hollie Willis spent
Sunday at Rufus Kifer's.
* Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Madden made a business trip to Boonville Saturday.
* Ed Rostron and family of Elberfeld spent Sunday at James McDonald's.
* Harold McSwane and Wm. Holder visited in Evansville last Saturday
night and Sunday.
* Wm. Loomis and family spent Sunday at M. L. Madden's.
* The Methodist with hold their regular services here next Sunday
* Misses Violet and Rosalie Holder visited Z. T. McSwane's Sunday.
* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Feidler spent Sunday at George Nicholson's
Stanley (Mrs. A. L. Burnett, Cor.)
* Mrs. Lucy Gaddis, Isaiah Williams and J. W. Kifer have returned to
their homes after attending their mother's funeral and visiting
relatives a few days.
* Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Justice and G. W. Miller are very sick.
* Daniel Cloyd was taken to an Evansville hospital last week.
* Alda Maye, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ringham, is seriously
* Mesdames Lue Reis, Minnie Powell and Ora Baldwin, of Evansville,
visited their sick parents here last week.
* Mrs. Agnes Madden and granddaughter, Maye Burnett, visited relatives
in Evansville last week.
Boonville Standard
December 1923
21 Dec 1923
Wife of James McCulla.
Died February 26, 1824.
The slab which contains this simple inscription was ordered of T. M.
Scales to take the place of the one that had disappeared from the grave
of the grandmother of Mrs. E. M. Raleigh of Newburgh, who said: "I could
not bear to know that my grandmother, who gave her life that my mother
might live, should lie in an unmarked grave."
HIBLE. (Alice Garrison, Cor.) Mrs Emma St. Clair was called to
Evansville Saturday on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs
Mary Dimmett. She returned home Wednesday.
Allen, Jane
August 29, 1924 Boonville Enquirer
Mrs. Augustus Allen, 87, died Tuesday at the home of her son, Millard Allen, at Newburgh. She is survived by her aged husband, a daughter, Mrs. Nettie Allison, Evansville; and three sons, George and Millard, residing near Epworth, and Augustus, Jr., of Evansville. There are seventeen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Bufkins, George Chris
August 29, 1924 Boonville Enquirer
George Chris Bufkins, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bufkins, died Monday night at the home of his parents after a short illness with cholera infantum. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Little Pigeon in Spencer county.
Emma I. Sanders
August 29, 1924 Boonville Enquirer
Emma I. Sanders, daughter of James E. and Louisa Sanders, was born April 23, 1881. She was married to James H. Payne, August 6, 1905; departed this life August 21, 1924, at the age of 43 years, 4 months. She joined the Methodist church at Oak Grove in 1894, and has since had her membership transferred to the M.E. church at Boonville. She leaves her husband, James H. Payne, three sons, Sanders, age 17, James, age 14, and John, age 8; her parents, James E. and Louisa Sanders, and five brothers; C.R. Sanders, Salt Lake City, Utah, J.C. Sanders, Chandler, Ind., G.C. Sanders, Protection, Kansas, C.T. Sanders, Boonville, Ind., and B.F. Sanders, Warrensburg, Ill. She was preceded in death by two brothers, John W. and Oscar O. Sanders.
FUNERAL NOTICE - Funeral services for Mrs. Hollis Payne, who died Thursday after a long illness, were held Friday afternoon at her late home, one mile west of this city. The Rev. E.A. Brown conducted the services. The remains were taken to Newburgh for burial following services here. Mrs. Payne is survived by her husband, three sons, James, Sanders and John Payne, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sanders.
August 28, 1925
Boonville Standard
Mrs. Thomas Skelton and Mrs. V. J. Harrold, of Fort Wayne, returned home
Wednesday after a week's visit to their aunt, Mrs. Rachel Seeley. They
formerly lived here.
Mrs. John P. Weyerbacher arrived Friday evening from Boulder, Colo., to
visit her father, R. D. O. Moore. She left Sunday night with Mrs. Mary
Weyerbacher and Mrs. Mollie Boner to attend a church convention in
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bower and five daughters, of Inglefield, arrived
Wednesday to visit Mrs. Bowers' sister, Miss Leslie Thornburgh, and to
attend the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mason and family of Oakland City are attending the
Rev. J.D. Ulay returned Monday from his vacation spent at Vincennes and
will fill his pulpit at the Hem. Mem church Sunday morning. No evening
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Byers of Grand Forks, N.D., are visiting home folk
and attending the fair. Mr. Byers is a member of the faculty of the
University of North Dakota.
Miss Bernice Reed will leave Sunday for Roselle, Ill., where she will
teach in the city schools.
Mrs. U.W. Youngblood, son William, daughter Maurine and Miss Mildred
McCool motored to New Albany Sunday to visit Mrs. Youngblood's niece. On
Monday Miss Maurine proceeded to the Presbyterian Summer Conference at
Hanover to take special work at Hanover College.
Dr. and Mrs. C.M. Dowell and Mrs. Charles Klein of Huntingburg are
attending the fair guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clem E. Downe.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wilson, Mrs. T. C. Mullins and children and Miss
Georgia Fuller have returned from an extended stay at Green Lake, Wis.
John S. Oldham of Owensboro was here Thursday to attend the fair and
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Johnson of Fort Branch were visitors here Sunday.
Robert White is here from Bicknell to attend the fair and visit home
Mr. and Mrs. Leith sawyer, daughter Jane and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bender
motored to West Baden for the day Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Werry and family, of Hartford City, are here guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Werry.
Miss Grace Woolley has returned from a two weeks' visit to relatives at
Aurora, Ill.
Mrs. Harry Musgrave, of Mt. Carmel, Ill, and Mrs. Z. Mitchell and
daughter Barbara of Robinson, Ill., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leith
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lutz and son Jack have returned from a three week's
visit to relatives at Waldron.
Miss Ruth Shafer returned Tuesday from Miss Blake's school at
Mrs. Kate Woelfle spent the weekend in Evansville visiting relatives.
Rev. T.T. France returned home Monday from a week's stay in Missouri,
where he has been conducting a religious revival.
Norman Wilson and Charles Tennyson left Monday for St. Louis.
Mrs. William E. Heverling of St. Louis returned Saturday after a visit
to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Meyer.
----Marriage Licenses: Fount C. Givens and Cleora Dever
Chester A. Bates and Hattie Stuteville
Homer Boucher and Fanny Rogers
William Jones and Louella Ray
Allen, Augustus
December 25, 1925 Boonville Standard
Augustus Allen, 88, a prominent retired farmer of this county, died at the home of a son, Millard Allen, near Newburgh, at noon Sunday. Death came after an illness of several months' duration. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday morning with burial at Rose Hill cemetery. Besides the son, Millard, he is survived by two other sons, George and Gus, and a daughter, Miss Nettie.
DeForest, Daniel A.
December 25, 1925 Boonville Standard
Dr. Daniel A. DeForest, age 92 years, well-known physician and one of the oldest residents of this county, died at his home on West Locust street shortly before the midnight hour Sunday. Death was due to infirmities of age after only a few days' illness. Dr. DeForest was born in Warrick county Nov. 6, 1833. After graduating from Yale medical college, he began the practice of medicine in Slaughtersville, Ky. In 1858 he married Miss Margaret Markham of Evansville. During their residence in Slaughtersville, which was a strong Union settlement, they, with the entire population, were raided and driven from the city by night by the rebels. They then located in Newburgh, and eight years later moved to Boonville, where they spent the remainder of their life, Mrs. DeForest having preceded her husband in death a number of years. Dr. DeForest practiced medicine for 65 years, the greater part of that time being in the days of its hardships. He was also a coal operator and dealt extensively in farming during his earlier days. He was a civil war veteran, serving as physician and surgeon, and was a charter member of the local chapter of the I.O.O.F. lodge, and a member of the M.E. Church, where he served as a trustee during the building of the present edifice, and was a faithful attendant as long as his health permitted. He is survived by two sons, Dr. D.F. DeForest of South Bend and Sylvester T. DeForest of Boonville, and four daughters, Miss Alberta and Mrs. Harriet L. Bird, of Ashville N.C.; Miss Gertrude M. of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Grace Veeck of Chicago. Funeral services were held at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home, Rev. W.E. Brown officiating. A quartette composed of Miss Olive O'Neil, Mrs. Will J. Veeck, Frank Cady and W.J. Veeck sang "Sometime We'll Understand." The body was laid to rest in the family lot at Maple Grove cemetery. The bearers were E.O. Pelzer, Henry Shafer, Charles H. Johnson, Sam Hauselmire, John Schurmeier and Lenpha A. Folsom.
Honeycutt, Martha J.
December 25, 1925 Boonville Standard
The Standard received a clipping Wednesday announcing the death of Mrs. Martha J. Honeycutt, a former resident of this city, which occurred Wednesday night of last week in Washington, Ind. Mrs. Honeycutt suffered a heart attack while conversing with friends at a church reception and died within a few minutes. She was the second wife of J.A. Honeycutt, an attorney of this city.
March 26, 1926
Boonville Standard
"Mrs. Dorothy Davis born near Newburgh Nov. 22, 1838 died 6:30 a.m.
March 20 home of dau Mrs. C. D. Williams in Boonville. Married Thomas F.
Davis April 15, 1858 . They had eight children, Charles, William and
Mrs. Worth Carter preceding her in death. Surviving Oliver, Thomas, Mrs.
C. D. Williams, Mrs. Jonas Camp of Boonville and Simon of Richmond , Va.
18 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren. Burial Wesley Chapel Cem."
April 24, 1926
Boonville Standard
"James Wm. Davis died April 12, 1926 . Survived by wife Matilda, Mother
Dorothy age 86, daughter Mrs. Edwin F. Shake of Oden, son Judson of
Seattle, Wash. grch. Edwin D. Mozelle and Lucine and Nodas Shake,
brothers Oliver and Thomas of Boonville and Simon of Austill, Ga.,
sisters Mrs. Jonah Camp and Mrs. C. D. Williams of Boonville. Burial
Maple Grove Cem."
October 23, 1926
Boonville Standard
"Mrs. Keziah Bowyer Williams, aged 90 years, 1 month and 28 days, died
October 11, 1926 . She was born in Vanderburgh County , August 13, 1836
. She married Thomas Brammer, September 12, 1865 . Three children of
this union survive. Mrs. E.S. DeWeese, Mrs. Frank Duffy and Thomas
Brammer, all of Elberfeld. Later she married Denton Williams who
preceded her in death three years. They had two children, Charles D.
Williams of Boonville and Mrs. Verdie M. Greer, Evansville . She leaves
a sister, Mrs. Jane Samson of Evansville ; five children; 14
grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Burial was in Barnett Cemetery
Bippus, Caroline Christena
February 17, 1928 Boonville Standard
Caroline Christena Bippus was born in Preis, Minden, Germany, on April 18, 1863. When she was a year old her parents migrated to America and settled at Elberfeld, Ind., where she spent her early life. She was married to Henry A. Bippus on Feb. 22, 1883. To this union six children were born: Henry A., Walter F., Rose, Frieda, Mrs. Frank Pate and Marie, who died in infancy. She leaves her children, 5 grandchildren, 4 brothers, 1 sister and many relatives and friends. She died Feb. 10, 1928, age 64 years, 9 months and 22 days. Burial took place at Rose Hill cemetery, Newburgh, by the side of her husband, who preceded her by 9 years. She was always a good and loving wife and mother, a true and faithful friend. In early life she joined the German M.E. church, and ever remained a faithful follower of her Savior. Having suffered for the last five years from the ailment which finally took her life, she was never heard to utter a complaint, but said she was willing to take whatever her Lord and Master would send her. And she passed away as easily and gently as she bore her suffering. In her last year she exemplified the thought of her favorite song, which she often had her daughter to play for her while she lay upon her couch: "Asleep in Jesus, O how sweet, To be for such a slumber meet: With holy confidence to sing, That death has lost his venomed sting."
Mattingly, James
July 6, 1928 Boonville Standard
James Mattingly, 17, son of James Mattingly, farmer, living near here, was drowned Tuesday night in the lake of the Pigeon Creek coal stripper. He is believed to have been the victim of cramps, since he was an expert swimmer. Paul Metz and Chester Hepner, neighbor boys, were swimming with him, and saw him suddenly sink. Neither of the two being able to dive, they had to run some distance for help. A party from Boonville, including Drs. Guy Hoover and P.E. Wilson, reached the place, the body being recovered after it had been in the water over an hour. Efforts to revive with a pulmotor were unavailing. Funeral services will be held at one o'clock this afternoon at the home, with Rev. J.D. Ulay of Evansville and Rev. Hawley of this city officiating. Interment will be at New Hope cemetery, Spencer county, near the former home of the family.
Raab, Mary Caroline
July 6, 1928 Boonville Standard (Newburgh News)
The private burial service was held for Mrs. Mary Caroline Raab, age 69 years, at Rose Hill Cemetery, Monday afternoon. Relatives and neighborhood friends were present. On June 20, Mrs. Rab, formerly Miss Mary C. Brizius, passed away at her home in Evansville. Her son, John and family of Evansville were on a motor trip and could not be located, although every effort was made to do so. On Saturday afternoon the funeral service was held from the residence of her daughter in Evansville with whom she made her home. The body was placed in an Oak Hill vault to await the arrival of her son John and family, who reached Evansville on Sunday evening. Arrangements were then made for the burial on Monday at Newburg. Mrs. Raab was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brizius, pioneer residents of Newburg. Mrs. Raab is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Norma Eggert and Mrs Esther Schelhorn; two sons, John and Adolph of Portsmouth, Va., who attended and John of Evansville.
Mattingley, James Bunner
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
IN MEMORIAM - James Bunner Mattingley, eldest son of James T. and Gertrude Mattingley, was born August 25, 1912; departed this life July 3, 1928, aged 15 years, 10 months and 8 days. His death is a tragedy as sad, deep and dark as could be woven from the warp and woof of blighted hopes and human anguish. Just budding into young manhood, with life before him, with all of its alluring blandishments and unachieved ambitions, it ended with the opening chapter of what might have been, a beautiful poem. His untimely departure from earthly scenes desolates a home made happy by his manly presence. In contact with his teachers, fellow students and friends, he was dignified, courteous and kind, thus marking him as a proper object of their sincere friendship and high esteem. He leaves to mourn his departure a father, mother, younger brother and a large number of relatives and friends.
Daugherty, Nelle Southard
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
Word was received by Mrs. Thos. Dillingham, Jr., Wednesday of the death of a sister, Mrs. Nelle Southard Daugherty, at her home in Pittsburg, Mich., following an appendicitis operation. The deceased, who was 39 years old, was well known here, her former home. Burial was at Spiceland, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Dillingham left Thursday to attend the funeral.
Davidson, Mrs. Joseph
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
Mrs. Joe Davidson, age 67 years, died suddenly Wednesday evening at her home on E. Main street. Death was due to heart trouble. The deceased had been in ill health for some time, but was up about the house as usual and had lain down for a short rest when the end came suddenly and apparently without a struggle. She was found shortly after by members of the family. Mrs. Davidson was a native of Kentucky but spent the greater part of her life here. Surviving besides the husband are one daughter, Marie, and two sons, Shirley and Forrest, all of this city. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock this Friday afternoon at the home, with Rev. W.M. Hawley officiating. Burial will be at Maple Grove cemetery.
Frame, Daniel E.
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
Daniel E. Frame, 75, of Newburg, died suddenly there Wednesday of heart trouble. The funeral will be held at the home of a son, Chester, this afternoon. Burial at Rose Hill cemetery.
Harpole, John Jacob
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
John Jacob (Duke) Harpole passed away at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning at his home on West Locust street after a short illness. While he had not been in robust health for many years the end came suddenly and before medical aid could be obtained. He is survived by the widow. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the home with William Elfriech of Evansville, a member of the I.B.S.A. society, in charge. Burial was at Maple Grove cemetery.
Nonweiler, Caroline
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
Mrs. Caroline Nonweiler, the step-mother of Chas. Nonweiler, died Wednesday at the home of a sister, Mrs. Barbara Korsmeier, in Posey county. Burial will take place in that county.
Rinkel, Catherine
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
Mrs. Catherine Rinkel, age 79 years, passed away at 11 o'clock Friday morning at her home on Poplar street after a long illness. She was the widow of the late John Rinkel, Sr., who preceded her in death 16 years. She was born in Germany and came to this country at the age of 21 years. After spending several weeks in New York city, she came to Boonville, where she ever since resided. She was a sincere christian woman and her thoughtfulness and many kindnesses to others won her many friend. Mrs. Rinkel is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth LaRue, Mrs. Emma Huston and Mrs. Anna Brady of Boonville and Mrs. James Moore of Evansville, and two sons, John of Boonville and Frank of Chandler. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the home under the auspices of the Christian Science Society. Two sacred numbers, "Abide With Me" and "Shepherd Show Me How To Go," were softly sung by Miss Olive O'Nell. The body was laid to rest beside that of her husband at Maple Grove cemetery.
Schmidt, Henry
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
Henry Schmidt, 54, died Wednesday morning at Lynnville after a long illness of a complication of diseases. He was a prominent and well known farmer. Surviving are the widow, two sons, Irvin and Alvin, of Pike county, and three brothers, Herman of this county, Oscar and John of Gibson, and four sisters of St. Louis. Funeral services will be held at 9 o'clock this morning at the home with Revs. Aldinger and Bierbaum officiating. Burial will be at St. Matthew's cemetery, Lynnville.
Batson, Rosie
July 20, 1928 Boonville Standard
Mrs. Rosie Batson, 56, wife of Wm. Batson, died at her home here Saturday afternoon. She leaves her husband, three sons, Eugene of this city, Robert of Mansfield, Ohio, and Archie, of Connersville, and a daughter, Bernedine, of this place. The body was taken to Antioch church near Keensberg, Ill., Monday where funeral services were held. Interment was at the church cemetery.
Hougland, Eliza Jane
July 20, 1928 Boonville Standard
Eliza Jane Johnson Hougland was born June 15, 1845, the daughter of Warren and Eliza Jane Johnson, and departed this life July 12, 1928, being 83 years, 27 days of age. She was united in marriage to Mark Hougland May 17, 1866, to which union were born seven children: Mrs. Jas. Matthews of Charleston, W. Va., Mrs. John Keller of Evansville, Mrs. Wilbern Baker of Portland, Ore., Elmer and Homer Hougland, Mrs. Toba Fluhrer of Boonville and Mrs. Charles Fluhrer of Cape Girardeau, Mo. Also there are 22 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. She was converted when a young girl and joined Mt. Gilead church, of which she was a faithful member to the end. She loved her church and family and was always willing to make sacrifices for them. She will be greatly missed. Funeral services were held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Toba Fluhrer, where she made her home, Saturday afternoon, with Rev. Edward Barrett officiating. She was laid to rest by the side of her husband at Maple Grove cemetery.
Medcalf, Emery J.
July 20, 1928 Boonville Standard
Emery J., 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emery L. Medcalf, died Sunday at the home on S. Seventh street. Death was due to measles with complications. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the home. Burial was at Maple Grove cemetery.
Mottley, John
July 20, 1928 Boonville Standard
Funeral services for John Mottley, 52, of Evansville, who was instantly killed Thursday of last week at the Maley & Wertz Lumber Company plant, where he was foreman, when struck by a log, were held Saturday afternoon at the home. Burial was at the Crossroads cemetery, this county.
Lee, Martin
July 20, 1928 Boonville Standard
Funeral services for Martin Lee, 75, who died at his home in Evansville Friday, were held at the Fourth street General Baptist church in Boonville Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial was at Shiloh cemetery.
Thornburgh, Robert
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
Robert Thornburgh, age 56 years, one of Boonville's best known citizens, passed away at midnight at his home Sunday night following a paralytic stroke suffered in the afternoon from which he never rallied. Though the deceased had been in failing health for several years, the end came as a severe shock to his family and his friends. He was the third son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Thornburgh and was born and spent his entire life in this city except intervals of a few months in Colorado, California and the south in search of better health. For 25 years he was a member of Thornburgh Bros. Implement company of this city and later was in the road constructing business, being a member of the firm of Martin and Thornburgh. Surviving are the widow, a daughter, Mrs. Jacob Harpole; two brothers, J.H. of this city and Will of Inglefield, and two sisters, Ida of this city and Mrs. Mary Matthews of Indianapolis. Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home, with Rev. E. St. Clair officiating. Interment was at Maple Grove cemetery. The bearers were Robert Derr, Phillip Lutz, Christ Batteiger, Bert Williams, Oliver Dedman and Frank Taylor.
Welch, Smith
July 13, 1928 Boonville Standard
CIVIL WAR VETERAN DIES - Smith Welch, age 85 years, dropped dead on the front porch at his home in Pigeon township Tuesday morning. He was a retired farmer and a Civil War veteran, member of Co. 91, Ind. Vols. Surviving him are the widow and several children. Funeral services were held at 9:30 o'clock Thursday morning at the home northeast of Tennyson. Burial was at the Conner cemetery in Spencer county.
Boonville Enquirer
6 Sep 1929, p.1
FAREWELL BRIDGE PARTY. As a farewell courtesy to her sister, Miss Myrrl
Garrison, who leaves soon for Monrovia to teach, Miss Rae Garrison
entertained guests for two tables of bridge Wednesday evening at her
home on North Third street. Prizes for high score was awarded Miss
Gertrude Grossman. Low score prize was awarded Mrs. Donald Wilder. The
honor guest was presented a dainty gift. Iced refreshments were enjoyed
at Christ's Soda Shoppe. The guests included Mrs. Walter Maier, of
Evansville, Mrs. Chester O'Neil, Mrs. Donald Wilder of Oakland City,
Mrs. George Murray, Misses Gertrude Grossman, Helen Roth and Margaret
BETTY ANN LANCE. Funeral services for Betty Ann Lance, 11-months-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lance, of Wayne, Mich., who died
Saturday at the home of Philip Hedges in Evansville, were held at the
Hedges residence Tuesday afternoon. Burial was in Park Lawn cemetery.
Mr. Lance is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. George Ward, and spent all of his
early life in this city. Many friends and relatives here extend their
sympathy to the bereaved parents.
MRS. SUE McCULLA PASSES AWAY. Mrs. Sue McCulla, 82, widow of James
McCulla, died Thursday morning at her home on West Main street following
a lingering illness. She was a life-long resident of Warrick county.
Mrs. McCulla is survived by one daughter, Miss Fannie McCulla; one son,
James McCulla; and a granddaughter, Eloise.
6 Sep 1929-Boonville Standard
MRS. SUE McCULLA PASSES. It was learned on going to press that Mrs. Sue
McCulla, 82, widow for many years of the late James H. McCulla, passed
away Thursday morning at her home on West Main street after a long
illness. She was born and spent her entire life in this county, where
she has ever been highly esteemed and loved. She leaves one daughter,
Fannie, and a son, James, both of this city; two brothers, Alvah Morgan
of this city and Charles Morgan of Dayton, Ohio, and one grandchild.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the
home. Interment will be at Maple Grove cemetery.
HERMAN TOPF. Herman Topf, 93, one of the county's oldest residents, died
at Walker's hospital in Evansville, Monday. Born in Germany he came to
this county when he was a young man and spent the remainder of his life
here. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at St.
John's Evangelical church. Burial was in Maple Grove cemetery.
MRS. HATTIE SHELTON. Mrs. Hattie Shelton, 37, a lifelong resident of
Warrick county, died at her home, near Boonville, at 6:15 o'clock
Saturday morning following a short illness. Funeral services were held
at the Otter Creek General Baptist church at 2:30 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Burial was in Mills cemetery. She is survived by the husband,
Gaylen; two daughters, Ruth and Mabel; one son, Carl; two brothers,
Walter and Guy Kelly, and one sister, Mrs. Eva Blades.
April 4, 1930
Boonville Enquirer
"James Nicholas Parker, 79, died Tuesday morning at his home six miles
south of this city. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Henry
Wilkinson of this city and Mrs. Ada Vetts, Evansville.
Funeral services were held at Mr. Gilead church at 10 o'clock Wednesday
morning. Burial was in the church cemetery."
?Alcie Clark, 76, died Tuesday morning at his home four miles east of
this city. He is survived by the widow, Sarah, four daughters, Delta
Hill, Mrs. Motley Weir, Mrs. Carry Warnke, Mrs. Edith Ketcham, and one
son, Charles.
Funeral services were held at Pleasant Valley church at 2:30 Wednesday
afternoon. Burial was in the church cemetery.
?Mrs. Dolly Brammer of Fletcher Chapel spent Sunday with Ichabod Baker
and family.
Ralph Wilhite and family of Evansville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Moore.
Doris West spent from Saturday until Monday in Evansville.
Robert C. Hoskinson, sales manager and part owner of the
Hoskinson-Hendrickson Motor Company, sold his interest and retired from
active participation in the business Wednesday. The interest was
purchased by J.W. Hendrickson, senior member of the firm and banker of
this city. Mr. Hendrickson with his son, Okray, assumed complete charge
of the business.
Mrs. Viola Herman Saturday filed suit for divorce from Arnold Herman of
this city. They were married March 17, 1925, in Evansville. She asks the
custody of their son.
The Ladies' Aid of St. Clement's church met Wednesday afternoon in the
community house. Mrs. Rose Flittner was the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilder and family of Oakland City were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison.
23 May 1930, p. 8. c. 2
Denton Day, 72, died Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Georgia
Lyton, near Tennyson. Funeral services will be held at the residence of
the daughter at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Burial will be in the
Bloomfield cemetery.
23 May 1930, p. 8, c. 4 - Boonville Standard
BENTON DAY. Benton Day, age 71 years, a lifelong resident of Warrick
county, died Wednesday morning at the home of his only daughter, Mrs.
Herschel Lytton, in Spencer county, following a long illness. The
deceased was the youngest and last of the twelve children of the late
John and Selena Day, early residents of this place. He was a retired
farmer and well known throughout this vicinity. He leaves besides the
daughter two sons, John and Sam of Detroit, and six grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at ten o'clock this Friday morning at the
Lytton home, followed by burial at the Bloomfield cemetery, Spencer
Boonville Standard--no dates available
"Gertrude (Greer) Haswell, 94, of Tucson , Ariz. , formerly of
Evansville , died Saturday at Desert Life Care Center in Tucson .
She attended First Church of the Nazarene in Evansville .
Surviving are a sister, Dorothy Shelton of Tucson ; and several nieces
and nephews, including Jeanene Wilkinson, Bob Christmas, Leroy
Christmas, Melvin Greer, Gloria Miller and Laverne LaVey, all of
Evansville .
Burial will be Thursday in Tucson , where Abbey Funeral Chapel is in
charge of arrangements."
Engagement announcement--no dates available
"The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin F. Shake of Seymour are announcing the
engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Luciene, to John Emery Douglas,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Douglas of Ft. Branch . The Shake family
formerly lived here and in Mr. Vernon.
Miss Shake attended Butler University . She is now private secretary to
the Commandant of Cadets at St. John's Military Academy , Delafield ,
After two and a half years in the Navy, Mr. Douglas has resumed his
studies at Purdue University .
The wedding will take place in the late summer."
Kelly Frick Obit--no dates available
"The funeral for Kelly Frick, 82, who died at 11:20 p.m. Sunday at his
home, 3113 Edgewood Drive , will be at 1"30 p.m. Wednesday in Alexander
Funeral Home West Chapel. The Rev. Richard Schwamback will officiate.
Burial will be in Locust Hill Cemetery .
Frick, a self-employed carpenter, was a native of Posey County , Ind. ,
but had lived in Evansville most of his life. He had been in ill health
for some time.
Frick was a member of St. James Methodist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Minnie Frances; a daughter, Mrs. Edna Fae Young
of Fairfield, Cal.; three brothers, Floyd, Ralph, and Clyde, all of
Evansville, and a grandson."
May 12, 1967
Evansville Courier
"Local Couple Celebrates 72nd Anniversary Today: Mr. and Mrs. Commodore
Greer, celebrating their 72nd wedding anniversary Friday, are deeply
religious. Greer, 92 and his wife, Verdie, 89, read their Bible
regularly at their home at 15 S. Thomas St.--"We've gained a greater
knowledge now Of God's mysterious ways Such Knowledge that we knew not
of When in our younger days." Eight years ago Commodore Greer wrote
these lines on his 84th birthday. Friday, Commodore Greer and his wife,
Verdie, celebrate their 72nd wedding anniversary.
A deeply religious couple, Greer and his wife say they owe their
successful marriage to 'serving the Lord all through life.' Today, the
Greers have five children, 12 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren and
two great-great-grandchildren.
The Greers lived in Warrick and Pose counties, where Greer farmed for 25
years. They moved to Evansville in 1925, and he switched from farming to
carpentry and painting.
They now live in a modest home at 15 S. Thomas Ave. Up until this year,
Greer has kept busy growing tomatoes, but he figures, "I don't feel like
I'm able to do much work now that I'm 92." His favorite hobbies were
writing poetry and reading the Bible. He doesn't write much now, but he
either read the Bible or has it regularly read to him by his oldest
daughter, Mrs. Amos K. Haswell, who lives with the Greers. Greer and his
wife, the former Verdie May Williams, grew up near each other in Warrick
County. They were married o May 12, 1895. The Greers have lived in
Indiana all of their lives, and never have been separated for a long
period of time.
Greer advises young people starting out in marriage to 'stay out of sin.
Sin is the cause of separation. There is a great deal of difference
between the young people today and the young people when I was young.
Today they are living in sin, and they are getting worse and worse. The
Bible says so."
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Marsha Bryant