
Marsha's Warrick Web & Warrick InGenWeb

Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors

1866-1876 Newspapers

Boonville Enquirer & the Boonville Standard News

Boonville Enquirer & Boonville Standard News 
This information was donated to the site by Janice Beazer & Karen Nance.


Kinderman, Charles Frederick Leopold
January 11, 1866 Boonville Enquirer

DIED - At the residence of his son, on the 7th inst., Mr. Charles Frederick Leopold Kinderman, who was born in the county of Hartford, Prussia July 7, 1806. Mr. Kinderman emigrated to this county in 1860, and has been a resident of Boonville for the past five years, where he has always been regarded as a worthy citizen.


Boonville Enquirer
4 Jun 1868

We regret being called upon to announce the death of Mr. Moses Chase, an old and respected citizen of this township. He died on Friday the 29th ult., at a very advanced age.

20 Aug 1870, v.2, #33, p. 3
Divine Service. Divine service will be held in all the churches to-morrow. The service at the M. E. Church will be the last of the present conference year, and with it will close the pastoral connection of Rev. J. B. Likely, unless the conference should return him for another year. Conference meets the last Sabbath of the present month.

Removals. Maj. Baker has removed his grocery store from his old stand on the west side of the public square, to the east side, into the new store just vacated by Hudspeth & McCulla. The Major will be glad to see his old friends in his new quarters. His store will be one of the neatest in town.
The firm of Hudspeth & McCulla have removed their stock of goods into the store of Wm. C. Smith, on the southwest corner of the square.

Mr. Walter Smith was thrown from a sulky one day last week. He was not injured.

On the 16th inst., NOEL W., infant son of James H. and Sue McCulla, aged 6 months and 20 days.
On the 6th inst., CLAUDE infant son of Matthew and Bena Boner, aged 13 months and 15 days.


Billard, Louisa
October 22, 1870 Boonville Enquirer

TERRIBLE ACCIDENT LAST SATURDAY - Death of a Young Lady - We sincerely regret the duty devolving upon us of recording a distressing and fatal accident which occurred on the Lynnville road, two miles north of Boonville, on Saturday evening, last, just after the close of the county fair, and one which caused the almost instant death of Miss Louisa Billard, daughter of Dr. Billard, at present a resident of Lynnville, but for many years a resident of this place, a lovely and affectionate young lady, aged about 15 years. The following particulars, we gain from a gentleman who happened to be near the scene: Miss Billard had been in attendance at the fair during the week, and was on her way home, going in company with a Mr. Kirkpatrick and his wife, all seated in a buggy. On the road they overtook a number of teams, and while attempting to pass one driven by Mr. F.L. France, the team horses took fright and commenced running, notwithstanding the efforts of both parties to prevent it, which also frightened the horses driven by Mr. Kirkpatrick, who was thrown out, lodging on the shafts of the buggy, in which situation he was carried some distance. At this stage, the ladies are supposed to have attempted to jump from the buggy, Miss Billard striking the ground with her head foremost, but not being run over by either vehicle, as no outward marks of violence were visible. She was taken to a house near the scene of the accident, where she lingered for about hour, in an unconscious state, when death ensued. Word was conveyed to her parents who were yet in Boonville, who arrived a short time previous to her death. Miss Billard had a very large circle of friends in Lynnville and particularly in Boonville, and her sudden and unexpected death comes to them as a painful shock. She was buried on Sunday afternoon in the Boonville cemetery, her remains being brought from
Lynnville, whither they had been taken the night previous, after her death.

Goad, Andrew
October 22, 1870 Boonville Enquirer

Died on the 18th inst., Mr. Andrew Goad, in the 60th year of his age. Deceased was a citizen of this county for over 40 years and well and favorably known by our entire population. His remains were interred in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, 6 miles northwest of Boonville.


Robertson, Gilbert D.
March 11, 1871 Boonville Enquirer

Hon. Gilbert D. Robertson, Representative from this county, departed this life at a quarter past 2 o'clock on the morning of the 9th inst., aged 36 years. Mr. Robertson was born in the state of New York, but spent a greater part of his life in Ohio, from which state he entered the Federal Army, serving three years as a private soldier. He came to Lynnville to this county, we think, in the spring of 1867, taking charge of the schools of that town. The following spring he removed to Boonville for the purpose of opening a law office, having previously studied that profession. The campaign of that year having been warmly contested by both parties, Mr. Robertson abandoned his profession for the time and took the field in support of the Democratic State and county ticket, making numerous speeches in its behalf. About the close of the campaign of the
same fall, he was married to Miss Susan Day, daughter of Mr. Wm. Day, of this place. Last fall, Mr. Robertson, though in ill health at the time, received the almost unanimous nomination of the Democratic party for Representative to the Legislature, to which office he was elected. He was present at the opening of the session, but was compelled to return home, having been confined to his room ever since. His disease was that sure destroyer - consumption. He was buried on Thursday afternoon from the residence of his father-in-law, his remains being taken to the country for interment in the family graveyard.

Robertson, Malissa
July 15, 1871 Boonville Enquirer

Mrs. Malissa Robertson, wife of J.S. Robertson, Esq., died on Thursday, the 6th inst., after a protracted illness; leaving her husband and relatives almost inconsolable. And still the afflicted family are called upon to give another loved one. On last Monday night, Mr. R.'s infant child was taken from him, thus leaving him, while yet a young man, alone in the world, wife and children all gone, all having died within a few weeks of each other.

Hougland, Katie
August 26, 1871 Boonville Enquirer

DIED - Of diphtheria, at Gentryville, Spencer County, on Saturday, the 19th, Katie, daughter of Oscar F. and Mary S. Hougland, aged 5 years 9 months and 18 days. Little Katie was one of those remarkably bright and intelligent children that seem to be destined to remain on this earth only long enough to make goodness felt and then pass away to lure the fond parents to a nobler and higher aim than the mere gains of this life. God is good.

Thompson, Nancy
August 26, 1871 Boonville Enquirer

DIED - At the residence of her son, Seth, in Greer Township, on the 5th of July, 1871, Nancy Thompson, better known as Granny Thompson, in the 101st year of her age, being born January 25th, 1771, in the State of Virginia. Her parents moved to North Carolina while she was small, thence to South Carolina, and from there, she came to Kentucky. She and her husband moved from Kentucky to Warrick County in quite an early day, where her husband died, about the year 1836. Since that time she has lived a widow. Mrs. Thompson was the mother of eleven children, 9 boys and 2 girls; they all or nearly all lived to be heads of families, but they are all gone now, except two, Daniel and Seth, both of whom are old grey headed men. Granny Thompson professed religion about the year 1801 and joined the regular Baptist Church, a faith in which she lived and died, and we trust gone to meet her loved ones in a fairer land than this. Mother rest, thy journey's done, The battles fought, the victory's won. Thy days of trial now are o'er, And thou hast gained the heavenly shore.


Dial, Rachel
November 23, 1872 Boonville Enquirer

DIED - At her residence in Boonville, on Monday evening, the 18th inst., Mrs. Rachel, consort of Stephen D. Dial, aged 45 years. Although afflicted, hopes were entertained for her ultimate recovery, until a few days before her death, when nature seemed to give way at once, and she lay prostrate for several days, never returning to consciousness, but her spirit passed away as in a gentle sleep. She was affectionate in her disposition and was universally beloved by a large circle of her acquaintances. During almost her whole life she was afflicted, but under this affliction she bore up with cheerfulness, and without complaint, never repining at the dispensation of Providence. She has passed away and her memory will be cherished by her family and friends as a faithful wife, a loving mother and that of a most patient and christian lady. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from Greenbower, and her remains were followed to the tomb by a large circle of sympathizing friends.


Weierbacher, Peter
October 25, 1873 Boonville Enquirer

The announcement of the death of Peter Weierbacher, Esq., will be received with regret by all who knew him. He was identified in his time as one of our most enterprising citizens, liberal and generous to a fault. He died on Sunday night, and was buried on Tuesday morning in the family burial ground near town.


Denny, Harriet R.
August 8, 1874 Boonville Enquirer

DIED - On Monday, July 27th, at Evansville, Mrs. Harriet R. Denny, aged 67 years. The deceased was one of the old citizens of Southern Indiana, and was the widow of James H. Denny, late of Warrick county, deceased. She was born in Botetrout county, Virginia, April 1, 1807. She was the mother of eleven children, five of whom survive her, viz: Thomas L. Denny, of New Harmony; Ludwell H. and Lewis S. Denny, of Boonville; Mrs. Mary E., wife of John B. Hudspeth, of Evansville, and Caleb S. Denny, Assistant Attorney General of the State, residing at Indianapolis. She leaves also a brother, Mr. Wm. J. Littrell, living near Newburg, Warrick county, and a sister whose name and residence we did not learn. The greater portion of the early life of Mrs. Denny was spent in Mercer county, Kentucky, where her husband was born and raised. For twenty-five years she has been a resident of Indiana-for a time near Bloomington, where many of her relatives live. For several years past her residence has been at Boonville, where her husband died in 1861, since which time she has resided alternately with her daughter, Mrs. J. . Hudspeth, of Evansville and with her sons in Boonville. She was one of the links that connected the present with the past; and was a most amiable and excellent lady, devoutly loved by her children and greatly esteemed by her neighbors and acquaintances, generally. She has been gathered like a shock of corn fully ripe to the garner of the blessed. "The soul too soft its ill to hear, Has left our mortal hemisphere, And sought in better world the need to blameless life by Heaven decreed."

Denny, Pink
October 10, 1874 Boonville Enquirer

DIED-On the 1st inst., Mrs. Pink Denny, wife of L.H. Denney, aged about 35 years. The death of Mrs. Denny was so sudden and unexpected that a shock of pain was felt by the entire community. Although a few months ago the deceased was in good health, but a short time elapsed when she was confined to the tomb, leaving a devoted husband and three loving children.


Denny, Lud H.
May 22, 1875 Boonville Enquirer

The remains of Lud H. Denny arrived here last Friday morning, and were met at the depot by a large concourse of our citizens to pay the last homage on earth. He was taken sick on the down trip at Shawneetown but continued his voyage to New Orleans in the hope that the milder climate would cause a change in his condition for the better, but he grew steadily worse, and died on the return trip of the steamer, midway between Natchez and Vicksburg.

Dial, Stephen D.
December 25, 1875 Boonville Enquirer

Information was received Thursday of the death of Capt. Stephen D. Dial, of this place, which sad event occurred at the Asylum for the Insane at Indianapolis, on Tuesday evening. His remains will arrive today (Saturday) and be interred at Wesley Chapel burial ground tomorrow (Sunday). Service at the Chapel at 10 1/2 o'clock a.m.


Dial, Stephen D.
January 8, 1876 Boonville Enquirer

The remains of Capt. S.D. Dial were interred as announced in our last, on the 26th , at Wesley Chapel, about five miles from this place, attended by a large concourse of citizens. Capt. Dial was about 51 years of age, and up to the time of the unfortunate circumstances of his death, was a man of strong mind and will. He had filled many places of honor, the last of which was that of Representative in the State Legislature from this county, in 1873. During the war he served as Captain in the Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry, with marked distinction, proving himself a popular and brave soldier. In politics he was ever a fearless advocate of the principles of the Democratic party. He leaves a family of well grown children, the mother of whom died about two years ago, and was a sister of Hon. B.S. Fuller.



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