
Marsha's Warrick Web & Warrick InGenWeb

Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors


Birth, Death, Marriage & Court Records

Births (from 1882):

To order copies of birth records, write the Warrick County Health Dept. (See below) Birth records start at 1882. The cost for copies of the records are $10.00. You must have the name of the person and date of the event.
Deaths (from 1882):
To order copies of death records, contact the Warrick County Health Dept. Death records start at 1882. The cost for copies of the records are $6.00. You must have the name of the person and date of the event. The Warrick County Health Dept. is located in the old courthouse building.
Warrick County Department of Health
Warrick Court House
107 W. Locust St., Room 204
Boonville, IN 47601
(812) 897-6105

Marriage (from 1813): 

The clerk needs: Name of Bride and Groom, Date of Marriage, and if available, Book & Page number. Cost is $1.00 per page. Be sure to enclose a money order (NO personal checks or cash accepted) and a self-addressed, stamped, legal-sized envelope. Allow 2-4 weeks for return.
Warrick County Clerk's Office
One County Square
Suite 200
Boonville, Indiana 47601
(812) 897-6160

Court Records (from 1820):

Ordering records from the court house will be difficult at best. The old marriage books, court records, land records and such are in the basement in a closet across the street from the new court house. They have not been a priority of the court in the past, therefore some "researchers" have stolen the originals. So if you do get someone to look for you, the record may not even be there.
The Clerk's office may return your letter stating they don't have time as they are short staffed. They will process your request if they can. The records are $1.00 per page and the request must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with a money order (no checks or cash). Please include all of the information on the file that is listed on the web page. Allow 2-4 weeks for return.
Warrick County Clerk's Office
One County Square
Suite 200
Boonville, Indiana 47601
(812) 897-6160

Warrick County Records

If you have more up-to-date information on record pricing or where to order additional records, please let me know.





Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.

Contact Us

If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:

Coordinator - Marsha Bryant