Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors
Submitted by Tamara Kincaide
A group of men led by THOMAS LEACH, WM VONDERCHER, CHARLIE MOORE and JOHN BABIN and others unnamed here assembled a mission for religious gatherings in a building on Water St in Newburgh owned by HENRY WILLIAMS.
With assistance from the Salvation Army in Evansville it was provided that many souls were saved. Its interior had wooden benches, a large stove, coal lamps and a old organ so worn it was sometimes difficult for MRS. MOORE to operate. But doing her best the sounds of many a worshipers could be heard thru out the neighborhood.
The REV ALLEN came to help out the congregation as often as possible
from his home in Evansville, IN. It's said that only one hymnal was
afforded entitled ALL THE BEST. It is unknown the number of souls saved
throughout the time the MISSION was in operation but rest assured there
were many.
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.
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Coordinator - Marsha Bryant