Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors
According to the best data that can be had the several townships of the
county were organized and settled as follows:
Anderson Township was first settled in 1807, by Bailey Anderson, (in
honor of whom it was named,) ___Shelton, the Briscoe and Vandana
families, and others. Joseph Arnold was the first Justice of the Peace
Boon-Was first settled by Ratliff Boon, from whom it took its name and
who subsequently held many important positions of honor and trust, among
them Lieut. Governor of the State. He finally emigrated to Missouri,
where he died. Hudson Hargrave, Mr. Lawrence, Joseph DeForest, John
Couts, were also among the first settlers of this township, and were
soon followed by Joseph Adams, John B. Kelley, Wm. Webb, and Edward
Baker. Of these, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Webb and Mr. Baker are still living
Campbell - This township was named in honor of Thomas Campbell, who
emigrated from Kentucky, and was afterward County Commissioner. Isam
West, Joseph McDonald and Phillip Miller settled in the vicinity about
the same time with Mr. Campbell. Mr. Miller built a corn or flouring
mill, on a small scale, where the village of Millersburgh now is, about
the year 1824.
Greer- Was named in honor of Richard Greer, who resided in it for many
years and died two years since - 1866. The first settlers were Larkin
Birchfield, a Baptist minister, who still resides in the township on the
farm he first occupied with his son, Henry Hopkins, and a large
connexion by the name of Taylor.
Hart Township - Was named after a good and highly respectable old man
named John Hart, who was once elected Associate Judge of the Circuit
Court. He has been dead seven or eight years, and has many descendents
still living in that township. Tubby Bloyd and
Lane. W. Posey were also among the early settlers of Hart.
Lane Township - Named in honor of Gen. Joseph Lane, was first settled by
Capt. James Ashby, who still resides there, Mr. Powers, Steven Hanby,
and others whose names cannot be ascertained.
Ohio - Was settled by John Sprinkle, John V. Darby, Felty Hay, a family
named Gay, and Gaines Roberts.
Owen- Taking its name in honor of Robert Dale Owens, was organized in
1848 or 1849. The first settlers were the Philips and Gentry families,
extensive connexions of whom still reside there and in other portions of
the country.
Pigeon -Took its name from Pigeon Creek, which empties into the Ohio
River three or four miles above the town of Newburgh. The early settlers
were the Skelton and Taylor families. George Taylor settled on the land
upon which the village of Taylorsville is located. Other emigrants from
the East and other parts of the country soon came in.
Skelton - The territorial limits of this township having been materially
reduced by the erection of Pigeon, Owen and Lane, which were mostly
taken from it, there remain but few very old settlers within its present
borders. It was named in honor of Zachariah Skelton.
It will be noted that these townships are attended to in alphabetical
order, it being more convenient for the future reference to thus arrange
them than in the order in which they were organized.
It appears that the town of Darlington (the location of which has
already been described) was laid out on the 26th July, 1816. A log Court
House was built, and the courts held therein for two years, when, in
1818, the Seat of Justice was removed to Boonville. Wm. Briscoe was the
agent of Warrick County to sell lots in Darlington. The first sale, of
which any record is made, was to John
Sprinkle. The deed was acknowledged before Daniel Grass, one of the
Judges of the Circuit Court, W. C. The existence of this town was of
short duration, for the expiration of about two years afterits
incipiency an act was passed by the Legislature removing the seat of
justice to Boonville. In accordance therewith the thing was done and the
fond hopes were forever blasted as far as making their settlement a city
was concerned, at least.
Boonville _ The order to remove the county seat from Darlington to
Boonville having been complied with, the courts were held for some time
in a small log cabin which had been erected for the purpose on the site
where the present Court House stands - or nearly so. This diminutive
structure soon proved inadequate to the wants of the people and to the
ends of Justice and a brick building was ordered to be erected for the
accomodation of its courts and public offices. As an item of interest we
here copy ver batim, the order for the erection of this structure as it
appears on the Auditor's books.
"Ordered : That there be a Court House built in the town of Boonville,
to be built of brick, and not to exceed thirty five feet square, and
that Ratlif Boon, Clark A, Hale, David L. Smith, James McCulla. Thomas
Campbell, David Luce, Jacob Keel, or a majority of them do draft a bill
for said house, and that the County Agent let the lowest bidder the
building of the same agreeably to the bill made out by the Commissioners
herein named, as soon as he may receive said bill."
Although the Commissioners and their Clerk seem to have been rather
formal and particular in regard to their requirements in this matter it
does not appear that anything further was ever done in the premises. The
project, it seems, was abandoned by general consent; but instead of a
brick, a frame house was erected on the ground originally designed for
the contemplated brick one.
To give the reader an idea of the manner in which architects and
designers in those days constructed buildings - or rather the
foundations of buildings - we will state that, to receive the foundation
of this structure a ditch two feet wide and two feet deep was dug to
receive the timbers, each to be squared to the dimensions of one foot,
around the entire building. There were to be enough of these timbers to
fill the ditch to a level with the tip of the ground - all to be nicely
hewn. Upon these timbers a wall of hewn stone, eighteen inches high, was
placed, and then above this was the frame proper. This building was
never completed. It was barely roofed and weatherboarded without being
lathed or plastered but was comfortable for occupation in summer.
Unfinished as this temple of justice was, it so remained until 1836,
when an order was made and a new brick house was erected for the
accommodation of the litigent portion of the community. This building
was about forty feet square, and was two stories high, with the Clerk's
and Treasurer's offices in the second story. Not many years elapsed
before the Court House was also found to be too limited in its
dimensions to accomodate the wants of the people, and in 1851 it was
removed from the ground on which it stood to give place to the present
The first Jail in Boonville was located on the southeast corner of the
present public square, and built by a man named John Upham, who
furnished the material and performed the labor at a price stipulated.
The second Jail was located where the present one is. It was of brick
but soon became dilapidated when it was torn away and the present one
erected in its stead.
The first Church build in Boonville was for the Congregationalists. It
was a frame structure, and stood immediately north of where the present
Cumberland Presbyterian Church is located, and is now occupied as a
Since then the Methodist Episcopalians, Luthernans, Ger-
man Methodists, with the Cumberland Presbyterians, have each and all
erected respectable and commodious houses of worship.
Until within a year or two there have been no public school houses in
Boonville, except the ordinary buildings usually devoted to such
purposes; but we would not by this suggestion intimate that the good
citizens of this thriving town have ever neglected or forgotten the
cause of education. They have appropriated private and other buildings
to the callings of teachers and sent their sons and daughters abroad for
the purpose of gaining knowledge. Within two years past the authorities
have erected an elegant three story brick building of suitable
dimensions, in which is established a first class graded school, under
the superintencence of Professor Forest, and is well filled with pupils
of both sexes.
Among the first settlers of Boonsville were Nathaniel Hart, Adam Young,
John Upham, James McCula, Samuel Steel, the Graham family and Dr. Alva
Pasco. Dr Pasco was a physician of good ability, had a good practice,
and died in 1824.
At the time of the location of the county seat in Boonville the
population of the town was very meager. The first census which was not
taken until 1830 , shows a population of but 37 souls- all told. The
number of inhabitants of the county was only 2,964.
Since the resources of the county have been more fully developed and
trade and society become better established Boonville has improved and
prospered in a fair ration with other portions of the county and other
interior towns. Its stores, mechanics' shops, manufacturing
establishments and businesses generally, are as numerous and extensive
as may be desired, and her people are social, generous, and hospitable.
there is not a more inviting place in Southern Indiana for one to locate
than Boonville.
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Marsha Bryant