
Marsha's Warrick Web & Warrick InGenWeb

Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors

Books for Sale

If you know of any books currently available for sale about Warrick County, please let me know. Listed below are a few of the known titles of books available for sale. Wherever possible, I have given a brief description of the work, as well as price and availability if known. This is in no way a recommendation or endorsement by this writer of any work listed, but rather a listing of known resources for those researching the area and looking for clues of missing ancestors.

"Index to Warrick Map" 

Now Available
An index for the Warrick Map that comes with the Warrick Cemetery List is now available and can be ordered by those who have the map and wish to have the index. The index separate is $2.50 postage included. The index will be included with all map orders received reflecting the new price. Use the address below for the Warrick map to order index.

The History of Warrick, Spencer, and Perry Counties, Indiana 1885

This publication contains the earliest history of schools, townships, first settlers, towns & villages, courthouses, military, newspapers, businesses, portraits, biographies, and many more historical facts. 
The price is $60.00 with a $5.00 shipping charge.
Please contact:
Becky Middleton at the Spencer County
Public Library by phone, fax, or e-mail. 
Phone: 812-649-4866 (Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:00)
Fax: 812-649-4018 (Attention Becky)
E-mail: middletonb@rockport-spco.lib.in.us

Books available for sale by Sharon Patmore:

Please write for address.
I now have both Perry Co Newspaper Abstract books available. Vol I 1852-1930 $50.00 Vol 2 1931-1940 $28.00 or the set at $75.00
Checks or money orders only.

-Marsha's Note: Perry County books are listed because of Perry's close proximity to Warrick.
I have recently discovered two books that we can offer for sale. One is a Hard copy of the 1900 Warrick Co Census Index and the other is Vol 2 Cemetery book consisting of Greer and Hart twps. We are also considering a re-print of Cemetery Books but must have 10-12 buyers committed before the printing. The price will depend on response but if you post it, let them know we will be responding to their questions and conducting a pre-publication sale prior to the actual re-printing. Please post these notices or e-mail any questions you may have about this note.
Thanks, Sharon Patmore

Circa 1880 Atlas of Warrick County, Indiana

The content comes from a book my mother has. It was probably made about 1880 based on some of my family history. The front pages were missing, so I am not really sure of the name. Each page was scanned and the pictures were as clear as I could get them. Since a few pages are not as clear, I have made duplicate pages of them to try and get a better picture. It is not indexed. The price is $5.00 with shipping and handling included. The names of the Townships included are: Anderson, Boon, Campbell, Lane, Greer, Ohio, Owen, Pigeon, and Skelton.

This is the atlas that May sent for us to place online.
Contact: May Kercheval 

Bland Book Store

by Doris Bland
Doris has done 11 books of all the cemeteries in Wayne Co., IL. and has also done some family books that may have Warrick ancestors. Click on the Order form to view specific information.

Also, she has completed a book, "Perigo's of Warrick County, Indiana, Their Ancestors and Descendants. " The book is 242 pages with 25 pages of color photos, and has a hard library cover. It was interesting to research because the name started as Peregois to Peregoy, Pedigo to Perigo. From 1865 in France to Maryland through VA, Ky to In. The price is $35.00 plus shipping and handling ($3.00). Contact Doris for ordering details.



Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.

Contact Me

If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:

Coordinator - Marsha Bryant