Class of 1886
Fay, Emma
Forest, Frank
Hatfield, Frank
Picker, Albert
Scales, Herbert
Thornburg, Ida |
Class of 1887
Baker, Helen
Bennett, William
Houghland, Robert
Lowell, Ollie
McKenney, William
Picker, Cora
Shoptaugh, Minnie
Slaughter, Fannie |
Class of 1888
Caswell, Omar
Fisher, Blanche
Fisher, Kate
Lowell, John
Class of 1889
Allen, Charles
Heitmann, Quinnie
Masters, Nera
Mellen, Flora
Taylor, Jacob |
Class of 1890
Eckstein, Laura
Hemenway, Lucy
Kindermann, Millie
Moore, Robert S.
Scales, Daisy |
Class of 1891
Allen, Daisy
Eble, Carrie
Hatfield, Margaret
Pelzer, Charles
Class of 1892
DeForest, Frank
Ingle, Sherman
Picker, Carl
Johnson, Katie
Trisler, Helen
Peters, Ella
Youngblood, Alice |
Class of 1893
Childs, Reis
DeForest, Sylvester
Folsom, Lenpha
Gough, Eugene
Hatfield, Kate
Hazen, Nellie
Houghland, Ida
Kindermann, Belle
Lunenburg, Henry
Miller, William
Shafer, William |
Class of 1894
Allen, Jennie
Baker, Katherine
Bennett, Harry
Hart, William
Kinnin, Gertrude
Latshaw, Pearl
Shafer, Edward |
Class of 1895
Ashley, Sophia
Barth, Maggie
Reckert, Anna
Stone, Mamie
Stone, Thomas
Class of 1896
Hart, Bert
Hazen, Bessie
Johnson, John
Perigo, Nellie
Shelton, Pina |
Class of 1897
None shown
Class of 1898
DeForest, Grazce
Pelzer, Helen
Shafer, Katie
Wilke, John
Class of 1899
DeForest, Hattie
Folsom, Lucy
Garwood, Bessie
Hoover, Flossie
Hoover, J. Guy
Lee, Maude
Roth, Gusb |
Class of 1900
Birkenboh, Daisy
Davis, Ora
Koegel, John
Lunenburg, Rosa
Lamar, Lida
Mellen, Clevie
Mellen, Robert
Owens, Bertha
Patterson, Jessie
Trimble, Ellen |
Class of 1901
Hewins, Frank
Hewins, Ivy
McCool, Frank
Owens, Elise
Reed, Claude
Weyerbacher, Kenneth
Whittinghill, Roscoe
Wylie, Margaret
Youngblood, Clifton |
Class of 1902
Bickel, Mabel
Coleman, Nellie
Hoover, Bess
Hoover, Nola
Mellen, Ruby
Pelzer, Ernest
Rust, Millie
Shoptaugh, Dana
Weyerbacher, Ferdinand
Weyerbacher, Mattie |
Class of 1903
Baker, Goldie
Barker, William
Hatfield, Clara
Howes, Jessie
McCool, Lana
Mellen, Lee
Mellen, Perry
Pelzer, Helen
Phillips, Tillie
Thomas, Opal
Class of 1904
McClary, Myrtle
Gehrig, Katie
Goad, Maude
Gough, Helen
Lamar, Anna
Shafer, Frederick
Trimble, Ida
Vogel, William
Webb, Florence
White, Union |
Class of 1905
Baldwin, Paul
Barker, John D.
Fay, Kittie
Hightower, Denzil
Lacer, Elmer
Meece, Walter
Richardson, Roland
Roth, Nellie B.
Weyerbacher, Gertrude
Class of 1906
Gough, Gladys
Hargrove, Anna
Hoover, Ester
Kitzsinger, Maggie
Laswell, Lillian
Lowell, Lottie
Mellen, Charles
Shurmeler, Clyde
White, Myrtle
Wison, Robert
Class of 1908
Ashby, Bessie
Beckwith, Opha
Chapman, Chester
Eilfer, Carl
Pfeifer, Katherine
Richardson, Enid
White, Elmer
Whittinghill, Nera |
Class of 1907
Cherry, Opal
Hudson, Essie
Howerton, Ora May
Hewins, Warren
Hepp, Lena
Hopkins, Edith
Lutz, Phillip
Lipnight, Margaret
Meadows, Ralph
Morgan, Ruth
Owens, India
Pelzer, Alma
Reed, Curran
Small, Bertram
Small, Leamon
Taylor, Howard
Taylor, Jennie
Taylor, Kathleen
Wells, Charles
Youngblood, Nathaniel |
Class of 1909
Bennett, Laura
Bryan, Velma
Eckstein, Helen
Edwards, Alvah
Gemlich, Myrtle
Hopkins, Herbert
Hudson, Callie
Kinnin, Guy
Laswell, Emma
Mellen, Katie
Mills, Ruth
Owens, Ralph
Powell, Harrison
Richardson, Mildred
Roth, Selma
Ranklin, Silas
Schuck, Henley
Siegel, Opal
Schurmeler, Mayme
Southard, Alexander |
Class of 1910
Becker, Norina
Fisher, Rae
Frisbie, Hallett
Grossman, Clara
Goerlitz, Nettie
Hall, Hester
Hargrave, Fred
Hargrave, Florence
Hougland, Ethel
Isley, Paul
Jarrett, Ethel
Julian, Edith
Owens, Neva
Pelzer, Fried
Smith, Claude
Tweedy, Wilbur
Weyerbacher, Irma
Weyerbacher, Leah
Wilson, Abbiebelle
Wright, Kenneth |
Class of 1911
Anderson, Max
Barnett, Myrtle
Byers, Cecil
Byers, Earl
Finch, Della
Higginson, Ethel
Jarrett, Floy
Kapperman, Samuel
Ketcham, Dessie
Mellen, Lucy
Murphy, Oliver
Picker, Wesley
Trimble, Ruth
Tillman, David
Wagner, Gusta
Wells, Theodore
Whittinghill, Paul
Williams, Travis
Wright, Quincy |
Class of 1912
Bennett, Alfred
Ensor, Fredrick
Gemlich, Leola
Gilman, Lawrence
Hawkins, Mattie Mae
Hedges, Claudia
Inderrieden, Laurena
Kapperman, Cora
McCool, Blanche
McCool, Esther
Patton, Henrietta
Perigo, Gilbert
Priest, Charles
Rankin, Lena
Tweedy, Hallie
Stone, Wilbur
Ward, Reba
White, Florence
Wilkerson, John
Wright, Norman |
Class of 1913
Ashley, Howard
Baker, Paul
Bohrer, Carl
Bryan, Clarence
Gilbert, Dendinger
Finch, Verner
Fuller, Bessie
Hall, Ruth
Hedges, Dora
Horton, Marie
Julian, Opal
O'Neil, Olive
Owens, Robert
Rankin, Brownie
Ridens, Valla
Roberts, Gladys
Taylor, Lelia
Vincent, Bessie
Wilkinson, Edgar
Class of 1915
Baker, Russell
Baker, Ruth
Bateman, Ralph
Brown, Tessie Mae
Davidson, Marie
Deane, E. Glen
Deane, Harold L.
Gordner, Leroy
Grossman, Gertrude
Haas, Olevia
Jenkins, Elda Mae
Julian, Ruth
Lance, Ocal Lois
Lutz, Helen Marie
McVicker, Ruth
Moyer, W. Hubbard
Roth, Lela Mae
Shriver, Ruth
Smith, Harley
Thornburgh, Ruth
Trisler, Mabel
Ward, Harry A.
Wells, Ralph Edwin
Wilson, Catherine
Wright, Mary Edith |
Class of 1914
Campbell, Noah
Carey, Hazel
Elder, Louise
Finch, Margaret
Gordner, Marie
Griffith, John
Harris, Nannie
Higginson, Edith
Hines, Charles
Hines, Elmer
Kessler, Nellie
Klein, Eva M.
Johnson, Ralph
Lunenburg, Marie
Madden, Mayme
McCool, Jessie
Mellen, Grace
Meyer, Marie Evelyn
Morpin, Vera
Paton, Sadie
Perigo, Irwin
Purdue, Paul
Reed, Paul
Roberts, Frank
Roberts, Hazel B.
Roth, Neva
Schultz, Gladys
Shaul, Noble
Siegel, Oscar
Simpson, Ruth
Yarborough, Gladys
Youngblood, Leland
Class of 1916
Adams, Guy Hunt
Barnett, Clarice
Boardman, Harbin
DeWeese, Howard I.
Elder, Vesta C.
Fay, Minerva
fuller, Georgia
Goad, Thora C.
Gordner, Alta F.
Hargrave, Edith
Hunton, Edwin
Isley, George Fred
Kelly, Dorothy
Nehl, Henry
O'Neil, Herbert A.
Rauth, Gilbert
Roth, Norma Mary
Sanders, J. Leslie
Vogel, Gertrude F.
Ward, Alma
Wells, Forrest H.
Wilson, Mary Adeline
Young, Bessie Opal
Youngblood, Delta |
Class of 1917
Bateman, Martha Alice
Cady, George
Davis, Ethel Von
Day, Hazel
Deane, Clara Winifred
Goad, Marle
Hanning, Flora May
Jarrett, Alta Lillian
Jenkins, Lola
Johnson, Mary Elizabeth
Julian, Bess
Kirsch, Alvena
Koegel, Norma Ruth
Leigh, Ruth Marie
Mason, Mabel Edith
Mellen, Mildred
Moyer, Raymond E.
Rauth, Adolph
Rhudy, William Porter
Schaffer, Caroline
Shaw, Harry Cecil
Youngblood, Lucian
Class of 1918
Bohn, Erwin Louis
Brown, Pearl Lee
Cherry, Bess Murray
Eskew, Dora Mae
Fay, Mabel
Fleming, Stella
Garrison, Gertrude
Gemlich, Edna Elizabeth
Hauselmire, Edgar
Hawkins, James
Hines, Mildred M.
Hines, Paul P.
Jones, Mamie T.
Kern, Marie
Kiper, Mary Louise
Koegel, Marion E.
Kohlmeyer, John Byron
LaVance, Melvin M.
Lutz, Anna Marie
Lutz, Hallie Elizabeth
Meyer, Kathryn A.
Miller, Ruey L.
Moyer, Floyd
Murphy, LLoyd J.
Patterson, Mary L.
Rauth, Ella M.
Rucker, Roy R.
Sidebottom, Paul
Strunk, Hazel
Tennyson, Mildred
Traylor, Ruth C.
Trimble, Albert
Weeck, Florence E.
Williams, Anise
Winsett, Beula K.
Wright, Winona Eli
Young, George F. |
Class of 1919
Abshire, Alda Merle
Adams, Laurabelle B.
Aust, Georgia E.
Bradshaw, Charles C.
Brown, Ira C.
Bufkin, Lucy Annis
Cadym, John Frank
Camp[bell, Bertram F.
Carter, Maude Marie
Clark, Carl Gilbert
Crawford, Pearl Emma
Davis, James T.
Ehrhardt, Emma
Folsom, Lillian Lucile
Fuller, Mary Annabel
Garrison, Ravia B.
Gemlich, Gladys S.
Georlitz, George F.
Hawkins, Mary Lela
Haynes, Durwood
Hines, Anna A.
Johnson, Daisy A.
Julian, Peter Howard
Kelly, Amelia J.
Kiper, Kenneth R.
Knight, Rozella
Lutz, Lydia
Maier, Edwin Bunner
Martin, Sophonia B.
Maurer, Dorothy
Mayer, Anna O.
McCool, Leland
Mehl, Erwin H.
Mills, Charles K.
Newby, William Owen
O'Neil, Chester C.
Reed, Berenice
Roberts, Talllie D.
Shafer, Earl E.
Sidebottom, Rachel
Simpson, Burgess H.
Taylor Jonah H.
Trisler, Laura E.
Winsett, Gladys A.
Youngblood, Mary M. |
Class of 1920
Barton, Gifford Lee
Bateman, George David
Beeler, James Walter
Boner, Sara Mabel
Bright, Kenneth Jewel
Bruce, Gladys
Bullock, Melvin Allen
Campbell, Hallie Elizabeth
Day, Lillian Gythel
DeWeese, Calvin S.
Fay, Hallie
Fay, James Luther
Goad, Thelma
Greer, George David
Haas, Henry X.
Heilman, Hazel Murel
Helms, Anna Agnes
Hewins, Opha
Hewins, Ralph Hamilton
Inderrieden, Frieda A.
Kiper, Agnes Lucile
Leslie, Elizabeth Lucile
Loving, Ivilla Mae
Maier, Walter Vernon
Maurer, Nora Madeline
Meyer, Herbert E.
Miller, Madge
Myers, Fred Miller
Pike, Anna Josephine
Rauth, Andy Fred
Roberts, Foley Lasalle
Roberts, Helen Elizabeth
Rogers, Ethel Marie
Roller, Roscoe
Samples, Bourke R.
Shafer, Ruth Anna
Shrode, Ruth W.
Tweedy, Paul Owen
Warner, Prentice Talmage
Wilson, Ray Ottis
White, William Clifford
Wright, Nellie Cecilia |
Class of 1921
Aust, Katherine
Bieber, Albert
Billips, Luuetta
Bohannon, Richard
Bohrer, Lillian
Christmas, Gladys
Crawford, Carl
Davis, Elbert
Dossett, Anna Russell
Floyd, Berthabelle
Frahlich, Deloris
Fulling, Helen
Gentry, Elsie Mae
Hewins, Kenneth
Hewins, Mildred
Hilliard, Julia Mae
Kiper, Ruth
Koehler, Rose
Kohlmeyer, Viola
Lutz, Ruby
Meyer, Helen
Mottley, Jessie
Murphy, Willie
Norton, Hazel
Perigo, Margaret
Rauth, Ida M.
Rauth, Paul
Rinkel, Hazel
Scales, Dello
Shrode, Ruth
Utz, Margaret
Vote, Helen
Williams, Leona
Winsett, Mildred
Wilson, Ruby
Wright, Clara
Young, Carl
Young, Lillian |
Class of 1922
Alexander, Esther
Barton, Opal
Bateman, Louis
Bright, Gerald
Bullock, Jewell
Buzzingham, Gilbert
Cady, Grace
Crook, Marie
Davis, Claire
Deane, Robert
DeBruler, Olive
Elder, James
Goad, Neva
Gardner, Raymond
Goerlitz, Thomas O.
Hedges, Eva
Hullett, Wyman
Jarrett, Ferne
Kappenman, Alvin
Kohlmeyer, Bernice
Koutz, Mabel
Lowell, Mary
Lutz, Leland J.
Lutz, Nera
Maier, Helen
Metz, Marie
Miller, Mildred
Mitchem, John
Moore, Marvel
Noble, Frank
Powers, Charles W.
Roller, Florence
Roth, Rupert
Scott, Ester
Short, Ernestine
Veeck, Irvin
Tweedy, James Frederick
Wells, Geneva
Whitaker, Jessie
Whitaker, Bessie
Wilkerson, Lewis
Wright, Effie
Young, Lutie |
Class of 1923
Altmeyer, Ardella
Bateman, Florence
Baughn, Imogene
Carey, Jennings
Charlton, Mildred
Clark, Chester
Davis, Mary M.
Day, John H.
Dike, Edna B.
Doane, Marion F.
Eble, Evelyn
Elzer, Lena
Elzer, Lottie
Fisher, Albert L.
Folsom, Herman
Garrison, Myrrl
Gerber, Lois
Goad, IVan L.
Goerlitz, Blanche
Harris, Marguerite
Hedges, Amanda
Helms, Lloyd (Miss)
Hetzel, Maude R.
Hines, Fannie
Jefferies, Carey
Jefferies, Elma
Katterjohn, Elsie M.
Loge, Lillian L.
Maxam, Lillian J.
Meyer, Robert H.
Miller, James E.
Miller, Lila A.
Murray, Walter J.
Myers, Margaret E.
Nonweiler, Beulah
O'Loughlin, Bess
Poehlein, Golda
Rhudy, Louise
Roth, Amelia K.
Roth, Helen C.
Roth, Herman H.
Samples, Geneva
Schafer, Norman F.
Schwinn, Fannie K.
Siegel, Earl G.
Simpson, Russell
Stone, Wilton J.
Taylor, Robert B.
Wells, William
Wright, Pauline G.
Wyttenbach, Louis F. |
My Grandfather is Robert Sidney White (Sr) (1886-1960) in the photo and Mina White is his 3rd cousin.
I am attaching this photo in a file. Please let me know if you can't open it. I am assuming that he graduated from Boonville HS although I couldn't find him on your webpage "Marsha's Warrick Web".
My father told me that his father (Bob White, above) graduated from Danville Teacher's College.
There are no dates but I suspect that they graduated HS about 1902-1904 since I also have Robert's teacher's card which states, "SOUVENIR District No. 1, BOONVILLE, INDIANA, R. R. NO. 9, Term, 1906-1907. Robert S White, Teacher, L. B. Barker, Trusteee, G. H. Roller, Director, Al J. Hopkins, Co. Supt." it has a list of pupils inside and I can send the list to you if you wish.
~ Jane E (White) Stewart