Marriages 1813-1900: These marriage records came from many different sources. Names came from "Warrick County Marriages 1813-1859" by Kay Lant & Kathryn Freels (used by permission), the court records index, the WPA Supplemental Marriage Index and other sources. Many names were submitted by Tamara Kincaide and Susie Rose. Sometimes just a year was given in one record and I matched it with the entire date in another record. Other times, only last names were given, so I tried to match those with the names in the Supplemental Index. This index gives the groom's name or bride's name and date of marriage. When the court record did not list the date, I placed the envelope number in the "Date" column.
No corrections will be made to these
records. If you find an error, you may submit the
corrected information to be placed under "Submitted Marriages". Your
email address will be attached.
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Marsha Bryant