Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors
This book has no cover, and no index, and no author. I bought it on
Ebay; it just has the insides, but it is full of Indiana biographies. I
am not researching this family, just thought I would share. I do not
know anymore about these families or these surnames. NOTE: I don't know
if there is any additional mention of this family in the book, it has no
index. I do not want to sell this book. I am typing the biographies from
Typed by Lora Radiches:
Surnames in this biography are: Criswell, Ross, McSwain, Hopkins, Hise, Myers, Jewell
JOHN J. CRISWELL. It is not given to every man to pass his eightieth milestone on the pathway of life, and when he does this and is well on toward the ninetieth one, then indeed is he among the privileged ones. John J. Criswell, now living retired at Princeton, Indiana, was born December 20, 1842, and in the years that have followed much of great moment has happened. Four major wars have been waged and won during his lifetime, and in one of them he served most gallantly. The modes of locomotion have been revolutionized; space has been practically annihilated, and the earth, the sea and the sky have been bound together by epoch-making inventions. He has witnessed many strange sights, has participated in numerous history-making events, among them having been at the convention in Chicago in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was nominated the, first time for the presidency and he had the privilege of shaking hands with Mr. Lincoln.
In the evening of an honorable and well-spent life he can look back upon many kindly actions, and successes brought about through his own industry and good judgment. His birthplace was Newburg, Warrick County, Indiana, and he is a son of William A. and Tabitha A. (Ross) Criswell. William Criswell was born in Kentucky, but in young manhood he came to Indiana, and for years farmed, traded and merchandised. He died at Oakland City, Gibson County, Indiana, in 1898, at the age of ninety-one. The mother was also born in Kentucky, and she died at Los Angeles, California, in 1925, at the age of eighty-eight. Fourteen children were born to her and her husband, all of whom are deceased but four. Two brothers of John J. Criswell also served in the War Between the States, and they died in the service, but of disabilities incurred therein and not in action.
The public schools of Indiana educated John J. Criswell, but it is a far cry from the ones he attended and those of today. He is inclined to think, however, that the children of his generation were more appreciative of the advantages afforded them, somewhat primitive though they may have been, than are the ones of today of their splendid opportunities. Fired with youthful patriotism, he enlisted for the War Between the States at the outset, but his father secured his release on account of his youth. Later he again enlisted, in the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served for a total of about eight months, or until the close of the war.
After peace was declared he was honorably discharged, and, returning to Princeton, opened a butcher shop, which he conducted for ten years. Selling it he bought a threshing machine, and for one season operated it, and then sold it, making money in both transactions. Having great faith in Princeton and its vicinity, he then entered the real estate business and remained in it for thirty-three years, and through it and personally was active in up building the city. Deeply interested in all that pertained to the welfare of Princeton, he was foremost in the movement that brought the shops of the Southern Railroad here, and he was otherwise useful to his fellow citizens. At the time the matter of securing the shops for Princeton was broached he was a member of the City Council, and it was he who advocated and carried through the measure granting an acceptable concession to the road. Mr. Criswell married Miss Sallie McSwain, a daughter of Isaac and Minerva (Hopkins) McSwain, early settlers of Gibson County. The father of Mrs. McSwain donated the land on which the Gibson County courthouse now stands. The marriage ceremony of Mr. And Mrs. Criswell occurred at Boonville, Indiana, October 11, 1866. Seven children were born to them: One who died in infancy; Eugene, who lives at Detroit, Michigan, is a realtor, married Miss Etta Hise, and has one child; William Edward, who lives at Princeton, owns a clothing store, and is unmarried; Florence, who married Edward Myers, has t!
wo children, Geraldine, who is teaching school at Logansport,
Indiana, and Clifford; Ova, who married Bert Jewell, resides in Florida,
is married and has three children, Edward, Gilbert and Dora; John
Quincy, deceased; and Tabitha. John J. Criswell is a Republican, and has
been faithful to his party throughout his lifetime. The Methodist
Episcopal Church of Princeton has long been his religious home. For
years he has been a valorous member of the local post of the Grand Army
of the Republic, of which he has been commander and senior vice
commander and held other offices at various times, now being chaplain. A
man of means, he has financial interests that in dude ownership of city
property, oil lands in Texas and stock in several of the business
enterprises of Princeton. During his many years at Princeton Mr.
Criswell has made and retained friends tried and true who recognize and
admire his many admirable qualities of heart and mind. His standing in
his community is that of a fine gentleman, a generous friend and a
pleasant neighbor.
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Marsha Bryant