Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors
1890 to 1945 Yankeetown News
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Surname List
Karen has a book started 16 April 1890 by Miss Nettie Moore Overlin Alfultis.
Mrs. Alfultis wrote down every item she felt newsworthy from 1890 until
1945. Mrs. Chester Vanada typed this edition March 1981 (spelling and punctuation
retained as she notes). Karen is willing to look for persons from Yankeetown.
Please note your dates before you ask for the information. It MUST fall
between 1890-1945 and MUST be from Yankeetown in that time period! Please
Roby Winterkamp for your lookup. If your surname is not on the list,
it is not in the book.
We have found out that Mrs. Vanada edited out ANY and ALL original references to anything that was written about in Newburgh, Evansville, etc. If it didn't happen in Yankeetown she left it out. I think it important for many reasons: Newburgh and Evansville were once part of Warrick County and there may indeed be many families in the original that stopped looking for info in "Yankeetown Happenings" when told these are the only families in the journal. It is also important because Nettie Alfultis obviously thought these 'other' details important enough to include in the original. See more...
We have written a new index for Mrs. Vanada's version that includes names NOT included on the list on your site and we are currently typing out the entire original and will index it as well. Once we are done we will offer CD versions of all the information at a small charge with all monies going into a fund for the Alfultis family reunions. Our version will include everything from the original. Kevin Alfultis
Surnames |
Surnames |
Surnames |
Abels Addington Admire Aegerter Alar Alfultis Allen Alt Amos Anderson Angermeier Arnold Ash Ashby Asher Atkinson Autra Avers Axiom Babcock Baker Balenger Banks Barnes Barnett Barrett Bassett Bates Bauman Bawell Beasley Becka Beers Beiler Bell Bennett Bice Bickle Bingle Bippus Bischman Blackford Bloom Bollmfield Boner Bonham Bowen Bower Boyer Bradley Brady Branch Brans Brash Braugh Breen Brehnard Bridges Briody Brisco Brittingham Brook Brown Bruner Bryant Buchman Buickle Bullock Bundy Burch Burden Burge Burks Burnett Busby Bush Byers Cain Caldwell Camp Carmack Carpenter Carrol Carson Caswell Chapman Cherry Chitty Chivelare Clark Cohen Collins Collridge Comstock Condit Conner Conway Cook Cornell Cox Crawford Crews Crickhouse Crombacker Cromeans Crowder Crysler Cunningham Curry Czolgosz Daily Dalton Damson Daniels Davis Dawson Day Dean Dempsey Dennison Derring Dettrow Dickerson Donohoo Dooly Douglas Drake Dresel Duff Dugan Dunbar Duncan Dunham Dunn Earl Ebley Edgeington Edwards Elsfelder Embry Evans Farris Fay Feldbusch Feldhaus Ferrell Ferris Fetzer Fish Fisher Florence Followay Forler Foster Fox Freshley Frisbie Fulkerson Fulling Funkhouser Gableman Galloway Garnes Gay Gentry Ginger Glackman Gladden Golns Goodman Gordon Gray Green Grimes Grimwood Haberstroh Hagger |
Hahn Haines Haley Hall Hamilton Hansontree Hardin Harding Hardy Harmouth Harper Harren Hartley Hartloff Hartman Harvey Hatfield Haury Hausfeldt Hausman Hawkins Hayden Hayes Hazen Hebbeler Heck Hedges Hedrick Heister Heldt Hemenway Hemmings Henry Herbert Herr Herrell Herron Heseman Hewins Hill Hobard Hogland Holder Hoover Horne Horrom Horton Hourmuth House Housman Houston Huff Huffman Hullet Hulvershorn Hunt Hurt Ice Ingram Irons Ivy Jabro Jackson Jamison Jeffers Jennings Jentry Johnson Jones Joyce Kaiser Keene Keifer Keil Keller Kemper Kendall Kern Klazer Korb Krauss Kroeger Lacer LaGrange Lance Lautenschlager LaVance Leach Lee Leemiller Leimonstol Lenn Lerch Lester Lewis Libbert Limenstal Linsey Litteral Lochmueller Loge Logsdon Loktenslager Long Lot Lowburg Lurch Lynn Maas Martin Matthews Mayo Mazine McArtor McCain McCannon McClary McClure McCool McCord McCormick McCoy McCutchan McDaniels McEntire McGill McKinley McLaurin McLure McNaughton Medsker Melton Merideth Merril Metzger Middleton Miles Miller Mirrick Mitchem Mohone Moore Morris Morrow Morton Moses Munns Musgrave Muze Neal Neobes Neucks Nicholson Nofsinger Nolan Norton Ntoen O'Dell O'Neal Osborne Oster Overlin Overton Owens Pacely Palmer Parker Parsley Pate Paul Pazeley Pearcy Pearson Peck Peppler Perdue Perigo |
Perkins Perry Petticord Pfister Phillion Phillips Pico Pierce Pierson Pittman Plock Pole Porter Posey Powell Priest Proctor Purdue Pyeatt Rains Reddick Retter Reynolds Rhoades Rice Richardson Riddle Ringo Rinkel Risley Robbins Roberts Robertson Robinet Robinson Robison Roby Rodgers Rogers Rohrabacher Roosevelt Rose Ross Roth Rowbottom Rusk Russell Rutledge Salm Salone Sanders Sargent Sartoria Scales Scheer Schnell Schultz Schweoppe Scott Selby Seuss Shafer Shake Shall Shamberg Sharp Shellebarker Shelton Shewmaker Shirels Shoptaugh Shrode Sidebottom Sietz Simmons Simpson Siscel Slaughter Sloan Sly Small Smith South Spade Spaetti Spann Spencer Spire Spitz Sprinkle Stacer Stanton Staser Steckler Steepro Steffy Stenard Stepenlli Stephens Stern Stewart Stinson Stolzy Strain Stroud Strucks Stryker Sunday Sutton Taylor Temple Theld Thomas Thompson Tilly Tolls Triker Truitt Tuly Twinen Tyler Umback Van Winkle Vanada Vandershier Varrett Voiles Vote Voyles Wade Wagner Walden Walker Wallace Waller Walz Wangler Warbler Wartin Waters Watkins Watson Weathers Wedding Weicht Weickle Welsh West Wheat Wheeler White Whitney Whittinghill Whittmans Wiesel Wiffland Wilder Wilhelmus Wilkerson Will Williams Williamson Wils Wilsbacher Wilson Winters Wissenhunt Wittenbraker Wongler Woodburn Woods Woolridge Wright Wrinkler Young Youngblood Zimmerman |
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Marsha Bryant