Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors
Name, date of death, age, location, cemetery, cause of death and who
was billed. I do not have copies of the original records. On Oct 1,
1913, partnership of Billups and Ellison began.
Jul 8, 1914, John Ellison was sold half interest in the "undertakin"
business. Records beginning Jul 12, 1914 are under the business name of
"Billups & Lawhead."
Fark, Henery: Feb 4, 1922, 76 yrs 1 mo 13 days, Tennyson, Skelton Cem.
Farley, Elizabeth: May 27, 1923, 40 yrs 4 mo 11 days, Evansville,
Chandler Cem. -William B. Farley
Farley, Frank M.: b. Oct 8, 1849 d. Jun 17, 1916, 66 yrs 8 mo 10 days,
Chandler, Chandler Cem. -wife
Farley, William: Sep 29, 1924, 41 yrs, Evansville, Chandler Cem., auto
accident -Sarah & Dan Farley
Farmer, William H.: Aug 15, 1924, 80 yrs, Bethabra -Ira Long
Farris, William: buried Dec 20, 1915, 71 yrs, County Home, Wesley Chapel
Feagley, John: buried Mar 23, 1916, Jockey, Ebenezer Cem. -wife: Mrs. J.
Feagley, Lusa: buried Feb 25, 1918, yo yrs, Folsomville, South Fork
Cem., Wife of John -Louie K???
Feld, Elizabeth: Oct 31, 1918, 64 yrs 1 mo 16 days, Elberfeld, Wagner
Cem., puralcis -Nicholas Feld
Feldbusch, Louisa: Apr 28, 1918, 4 days, RR3, Boonville, Maple Grove
Cem. -Henry Feldbusch
Felderbusch, Charles H.: Oct 30, 1921, 5 mo 19 days, son of Aburn, Maple
Felts, William H.: Jul 23, 1923, 74 yrs 3 mo 5 days, Maple Grove Cem.
-husband of Matilda
Ferris, Alice (wife): Jan 9-16, 1917, Chandler, Chandler Cem., Father:
Thomas Hart b. IN, Mother: Sarah West b. IN
Fetter, Anna (widow): Dec 21, 1924, 31 yrs 6 mo 2 days, wife of John
-Brothers -estate
Fetter, John W.: b. Apr 19, 1884 d. Feb 19, 1919, 34 yrs 10 mo,
Boonville, Maple Grove Cem. -wife, Father: John W. Fetter, b. Canada,
Mother: Sarah Schnider, b. IN
Fetter, William E. (son): Jun 11, 1922, 1 yr 27 days -Leonard Fetter
Fillman, Anna (daughter): Jul 19, 1918, 24 yrs, Boon Twp., Ruster Cem.
-Charley Fillman
Fillman, John: b. Sep 6, 1891 d. Apr 22, 1913, 21 yrs 7 mo 16 days, Boon
Twp., Rooster Cem., bowel consumption -Charles Fillman
Finch, Violet M.: Nov 23-30, 1923, 28 days, daughter of Arvel,
Evansville, Folsomville Cem.
Fisher, Agnes: Apr 12, 1923, 74 yrs, Folsomville, bill paid by Allie
Power, Norman Fisher, Lawrence & Charles C. Fisher
Fisher, Alice: Sep 26, 1920, 8 mo 10 days, Campbell Twp., Asbury Cem.
-John Fisher
Fisher, Alvis M.: Apr 19, 1923, 74 yrs 11 mo 20 days, Folsomville,
Ebenezer Cem. -children & Norman Fisher
Fisher, Ellen: May 28-30, 1920, Hartford, KY, colored
Fisher, Jane (Mrs. John): b. Jan 16, 1837 d. Jan 31, 1920, 88 yrs,
Asberry -Cline or Olive Fisher
Fisher, John C.: Feb 13, 1919, 73 yrs 8 mo 18 days, Maple Grove -boys,
Father: Jack
Fisher, Mildred: Dec 1, 1923, 10 yrs 3 mo 23 days, Folsomville, Ebenezer
Cem. - W. A. Fisher
Fisher, Molly: Nov 11, 1918, 22 yrs 2 mo 26 days, Ashby Cem., flu -Noble
Fisher, Father: Mart Ashby
Fisher, Phillip (son): Jan 1, 1917, 16 yrs 3 mo 27 days, Chandler,
Asbery Cem. -Father: Albert Fisher
Fisher, Sadie: Apr 4, 1914, 21 yrs, Lane Twp., Ebenezer Cem., pneumonia
-Lorance Fisher
Fleeger, Opial: Aug 31, 1921, 3 mo 20 days, Evansville, Choon Cem.,
daughter of Sam
Fleener, Infant: Oct 10-14, 1924, stillborn of Theo -Davis
Flener, William Henry: buried Dec 8, 1912, Stewartsville, buried in
Pleasantville, IN
Flint, Orvel E.: Jan 2, 1919, 6 yrs 5 mo 21 days, Boonville, Maple Grove
Cem., flu -Homer Flint
Flitner, John Henry: b. Feb 2, 1885 d. Jun 14, 1921, 36 yrs 4 mo 2 days,
Chandler RR, Red Brush Cem., drowning -family
Floid, Bud (son): Feb 24, 1919, 4 mo 20 days, Boonville RR, Shiloh Cem.,
flu -John W. Floid
Floyd, Charles A.: Dec 5, 1922, 2 mo 11 days, Boonville RR, Friendship
Cem. -Charles Floyd
Folsom, Infant: b. & d. Apr 27, 1923, stillborn of Richard S., Mt.
Gilead Cem.
Folsom, James Melvin: b. Jun 20, 1914 d. Jul 2, 1917, 3 yrs 12 days,
Boon Twp., Center Cem. -James Folsom
Folsom, Johenn: Jul 3, 1921, 73 yrs 4 mo 15 days, Boonville, Pleasant
Hill Cem. -John Folsom
Ford, Marinda: Apr 8, 1913, 110 yrs, old age, Boon Twp., Rosewood Cem.
-Boon Twp.
Ford, Wesley (colored): May 24, 1916, Ohio Twp., Maple Grove (colored)
Foster, Anna May: d. May 12, 1914, Mt. Olive Cem. -her husband
Foster, Elizabeth: Nov 11, 1919, 72 yrs 4 mo 16 days, wife of John Glen
dining?, Gentryville, Gentryville Cem. -cash
Foster, Ida: buried Feb 20, 1915, New Albany, Lynnville Cem. -husband
Foster, William (husband): Dec 24, 1921, 75 yrs 24 days, Boonville, Mt.
Olive Cem., Co B 37 IN Vol, pd. by George Foster
Fourston, Silas (minister): b. Aug 27, 1848 d. Jan 31, 1914, 65 yrs 5 mo
4 days, IOOF Folsomville -Robert Fourston
France, Francis Jane: b. Aug 15, 1843 d. Nov 2, 1912, 69 yrs 2 mo 16
days, North, Freedom Cem., old age -estate
France, Infant: Jan 21, 1919, Maple Grove Cem., stillborn of Carl France
Franz, Myrtel E. (wife): Jan 31, 1919, 27 yrs 1 mo 25 days, Maple Grove
Cem., flu -Carl Franz, Father: John Ward
Freshler, John (could be child of John) d. Nov 26, 1912, 3 yrs 3 mo 8
days -Rockport
Fulkerson, Burney: b. Dec 19, 1915 d. Jul 10, 1916, 6 mo 23 days,
Evansville, Mt. Gilead Cem. -Albert Fulkerson
Fulkerson, Minie: Feb 13, 1917, 48 yrs 1 mo 3 days, Mt. Gilead -Albert
Fulkinson, Daniel (husband): Feb 20, 1917, 86 yrs 4 mo, Mt. Gilead Cem.
, nephritis -Soldier's fund
Fulkinson, Eliza: buried Jul 25, 1918, Evansville, Mt. Gilead Cem.
-Soldier's fund
Fuller, Charles: buried Jan 19, 1916, 56 yrs, St. Louis, Maple Grove
Cem., accident -wife: Bess Fuller
Fulton, Jessie: Dec 9, 1918, 31 yrs 6 mo 30 days, Newburg, Reed Station
-Bess Fulton
Fuquay, Harry: Mar 22, 1922, 17 yrs 5 mo 28 days, St. Mary's, Maple
Grove Cem.- Mrs. Jacob Eck
Fuquay, Joseph Francis: Sep 20, 1921, 43 yrs 2 mo 23 days, Boonville,
Baker Cem. -Grace & Florence ?
Fursley, David M.: Feb 26, 1918, 71 yrs 3 mo 4 days, Evansville, Baker
Cem., cancer -daughters
Gammon, Pate: Jun 18, 1915, 63 yrs 2 mo 23 days, Crowville, Folsomville
Cem., kidney trouble
Gardner, Bessie: buried Apr 16, 1914, 22 yrs 7 mo 2 days, Petoskie,
Mich., Newburg Cem. -orders Homer McConnell, Sam Gardner
Gardner, Mary J.: buried Feb 28, 1922, 74 yrs 10 mo 11 days, Boonville
RR, Newburg -Odia Hedges
Gardner, Roy: Oct 29, 1918, 1 yr 6 mo 6 days, Newburgh, Mt. Zion, KY -L.
G. Gardner
Garland, Glen: Oct 5, 1917, 5 yrs 8 mo 5 days, Boonville, Huntingburg
Cem. -Mike Garland
Garrison, Harry (husband): Nov 3, 1924, 75 yrs 10 mo 3 days, Evansville,
Garrison Cem. -C. H. Garrison, son of J. H. Garrison -Pd. cash on note:
C. H. Garrison, Deloris McNelis?, James A. Kelley, W. H. Dryer
Garrison, James: Nov 29, 1913, Little Zion Cem., premature infant of C.
Garrison, Russell B.: b. Jan 17, 1907 d. Oct 4, 1914, 7 yrs 6 mo 15
days, Boonville, Maple Grove Cem.
Gasaway, Mary (wife): Jan 30, 1922, 79 yrs 5 mo 9 days, Storks -John
Gasaway, Nancy J. (wife): Feb 28, 1924, Cohoon -orders Elonzo G., John
Ed Gasaway
Gasaway, Mrs. Pearl: Oct 7, 1923, 23 yrs, Skelton Twp., Munday Cem.,
tuberculosis -Trustees
Gassaway, Harvey: May 21, 1923, 1 yr, John/son of Pearl?, flu -McCoy
Gassway, Clyde: b. Apr 26, 1893 d. Dec 9, 1921, 28 yrs 7 mo 14 days,
accident, Storks, son of Sam (b. KY)and Florence McKinzey
Gassaway, John O.: Nov 3, 1924, 78 yrs, Stark -Mary Gassaway -County
Gelhausen, Henery: b. Oct 12, 1849 d. Jun 28, 1919, 69 yrs 8 mo 15 days,
Boonville, Maple Grove Cem. -William Gelhausen
Gemlich, Fred: Mar 11, 1924, 61 yrs, Boonville, Maple Grove-order by
Mrs. Roller -estate
Gentery, Alfred: Mar 2, 1914, 45 yrs 10 mo 16 days -wife
Gentery, Charles (son): Sep 29, 1922, 18 yrs 7 mo 1 day, Evansville, Oak
Hill Cem., tuberculosis -Steve Gentry
Gentery, Charles B.: Mar 4, 1921, 39 yrs 2 mo 8 days, Folsomville -Otto
Gentery, Clary: May 10, 1916, 40 yrs, Shiloh Cem. -Otus Hodges
Gentery, Elizabeth: Jul 6, 1924, 80 yrs, Folsomville, Folsomville Cem.,
wife of George, 42nd IN Co. D -Soldier's Fund & Otto Gentry
Gentery, George: b. Jul 22, 1833 d. Jun 28, 1914, 70 yrs 10 mo 26 days,
IOOF Folsomville Cem., Bright's disease -boys
Gentery, George: Mar 1, 1918, Evansville, Locust Hill -wife
Gentery, James: buried Mar 25, 1919, 37 yrs 2 mo 3 days, Bethabra Cem.
-Mrs. John Gentry, Father: John Gentry
Gentery, Josephine: Jan 27, 1920, 70 yrs 7 mo 21 days, Folsomville,
Folsomville Cem. -Soldier's fund
Gentry, Elbert Leroy: Jun 24, 1915, 3 yrs 3 mo 7 days, Bethabra Cem.
-Travis Gentry
Gentry, George W.: Oct 22, 1913, 8 mo 19 days, Boonville, Southfork Cem.
-Emanuel & Frank G.
Gentry, David Elwood: Apr 13, 1916, 16 days, Bethabra Cem., son of
Gentry, James: b. 1835 d. Nov 18, 1912, 77 yrs, Dickeyville, Shiloh Cem.
-orders by Clarence Gentry -estate
Gentry, John: Nov 26, 1920, 73 yrs 6 mo 17 days, Evansville, Leslie
Cem., cancer -Commodore Gentry
Gentry, Sarah C.: b. Mar 1, 1853 d. Dec 8, 1920, 67 yrs 9 mo 7 days,
Folsomville -William Gentry
Gentry, Tiras T.: Feb 16, 1922, 39 yrs, Freedom Cem. -W. S. Gentry
Gentry, Wilma Geneva: Oct 17, 1922, 12 hours, daughter of Jacob -Clark
Geyer, Jacob: Aug 8, 1924, 63 yrs 8 mo 17 days, St. John's -Lora Belle
Geyer, Katherina: b. Jul 1833 d. Jun 2, 1913, 82 yrs 10 mo 12 days,
Ruster Cem? -her boys
Gibson, Margaret: Jan 16, 1915, 74 yrs 7 mo 14 days, Evansville, Oak
Hill Cem. -Evert Elright
Gibson, Veolia: b. Sep 15, 1888 d. Oct 27, 1918, 30 yrs 1 mo 12 days,
flu -Walter Gibson, Father: A. W. Bunch, born TN
Gill, Raymond: Feb 6, 1916, 1 mo, Maple Grove Cem., Son of Louis
Gill, Rodella: Mar 13, 1916, 2 mo, Maple Grove -Louis Gill
Gilman, Samuel B.: d. Mar 15-21, 1914, Boonville, Collina Chapel
Girlick, William: buried Dec 22, 1918, 34 yrs, New Castle, Maple Grove
Cem., carbolic -Jacob Girlick
Goad, Akillis: Sep 24, 1914, 84 yrs 5 mo 8 days, N. Boon, Freedom Cem. -
Goad, Alva J.: b. Oct 27, 1853 d. Jan 11, 1916, 62 yrs 2 mo 16 days,
Boonville, Freedom Cem. -wife
Goad, Amos J.: b. Jun 6, 1847 d. Apr 12, 1919, 71 yrs 10 mo 6 days,
Boonville, Maple Grove Cem. -Margret Goad, Father: Andrew Goad
Goad, Arvilie: Nov 7, 1914, stillborn of Orvil, Freedom Cem.
Goad, Charles Franklin: Sep 28, 1921, premature child of Commodore
-Freedom Cem.
Goad, Docia (widow): May 15, 1922, 84 yrs 10 mo 18 days, Boonville RR,
Freedom Cem. -children
Goad, Infant: Jan 8, 1916, Freedom Cem., stillborn son of Peter
Goad, Infant: May 27, 1918, 4 hours, Boonville, Freedom Cem. -Comodore
Goad, John F.: Jul 31, 1918, 69 yrs 3 days, Chandler, Chandler Cem.
-Wife, Father: Andy Goad
Goad, Martin A.: May 25, 1923, 65 yrs 2 mo 8 days, Boonville RR, Freedom
Cem., kidney -wife Rosetta
Goad, Patric: Oct 1, 1915, 22 yrs 1 mo 7 days, Boonville, Freedom Cem.,
carbolic acid -Jacob Goad
Goad, Sadie E. (wife): b. Oct 20, 1868 d. Jan 22, 1917, 48 yrs 3 mo 2
days, Boonville, Maple Grove Cem. -Homer Goad
Goad, Susan M. (widow): Jan 29, 1924, 90 yrs 3 mo 24 days, Evansville,
Freedom Cem. -Simon Goad
Goldsbery, Mary J.: Dec 28, 1916, Newburg, tuberculosis -James Goldsbery
Goodwin, Bula: Oct 12, 1915, Freedom Cem. -Joe Goodwin
Gore, John B. (husband): buried Mar 29, 1917, 52 yrs 11 mo 22 days,
Versilles, KY, Lynnville Cem. -William Gore
Gosher, America: Mar 8, 1914, Evansville (Schafer Bros.), Shiloh Cem.
Gottfried, John: Jul 13, 1923, 56 yrs, Folsomville -wife
Gourley, Joseph D.: Jul 20, 1919, 64 yrs 2 mo 3 days, Evansville,
McClary Cem. -Osker Cook
Gourley, Vernie: Mar 19, 1918, 15 yrs 10 mo 21 days, Midway, McClary
Cem., daughter of Joseph
Grady, child of L. B. : May 11, 1913, Maple Grove Cem., stillborn
Graham, James: b. 1891 d. Sep 20, 1912, 21 yrs 7 mo 6 days, Chandler,
Bethabra Cem., typhoid -George Graham
Grandstaff, Don: b. Nov 24, 1911 d. Nov 23, 1915, 3 yrs 11 mo 29 days,
Boonville, Pleasant Hill Cem. -Geo Grandstaff (married Ann Miller
Grant, Mary: Dec 14, 1921, 19 yrs 2 mo 4 days, Chandler, Newburg Cem.,
childbirth -Ulis Grant
Gray, Child of Lentha: Jun 4, 1913, 2 yrs 2 mo 12 days, Boonville, Maple
Grove Cem.
Gray, Child (daughter): Jul 21-25, 1918, W. Maple Cem. -Charles Wagner
Gray, Fay: Feb 3, 1920, 21 yrs 98 mo 3 days, Wesley Chapel Cem.,
tuberculosis -Hall Gray
Gray, John M.: buried Sep 5, 1916, 60 yrs 8 mo 9 days, Evansville,
Wesley Chapel -Mrs. Gray
Gray, John L.: buried Apr 11, 1918, 5 mo 14 days, Cleveland, Ohio,
Wesley Chapel Cem. -Halleak Gray
Gray, Salley (widow): Jul 3, 1917, 90 yrs 4 mo, Bethabra Cem. -Ben
Leslie & Margaret Reed
Gray, Shelby: Mar 25, 1914, 66 yrs, IOOF Folsomville -County
Gray, William L.: b. Nov 30, 1889 d. Nov 4, 1918, 28 yrs 11 mo 5 days,
Boonville, Maple Grove Cem., flu
Griffith, Bulia (wife): Oct 28, 1918, 26 yrs 22 days, Boonville, Maple
Grove Cem., flu -Sam Griffith, Mother: Mary Brown, father born in KY
Grimes, Elizabeth E.: Jun 29, 1922, 79 yrs 11 mo 8 days, Tennyson,
Bethabra Cem. -husband James, Co. M 10th Reg. IN Vol.
Gross, Infant: b. & d. Aug 21, 1924, stillborn of Amos, Maple Grove
Gross, Mike A.: b. Apr 15, 1902 d. Jan 22, 1914, 11 yrs, Boonville,
Maple Grove Cem. -Tomps Owens
Grossman, Margaret: Apr 17, 1920, 68 yrs 10 mo 28 days, Boonville, St.
John's Cem. -Philip Grossman
Grossman, Phillip: Aug 28, 1924, 75 yrs 5 mo 27 days, Boonville, St.
John -Herman Grossman
Groves, Alta: Mar 30, 1922, 17 yrs 10 mo 24 days, Boonville, Kissell
Cem. -father & mother
Gun, Charles: b. Sep 12, 1849 d. Feb 27, 1923, Louisville, New Hope
-Mrs. Fred Siegel
Gunn, wife of Charles: Sep 29, 1912, services New Hope Church
Guyer, John C.: Dec 15, 1918, 59 yrs 8 mo 10 days, Boonville RR, Roster
Cem., flu -Jacob Guyer
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Marsha Bryant