
Marsha's Warrick Web & Warrick InGenWeb

Finding Our Warrick County, IN Ancestors

1882 Newspapers

Boonville Enquirer & the Boonville Standard News

Boonville Enquirer 1882
Some of this information was donated to the site by Tamara Kincaide, Susie Rose, Judy Featherstone, Karen Nance, Holly Vonderohe and Lisa Rogier.

Saturday, January 7, 1882
Mrs. Ellen Martin, who resides with her son, David, was surprised on the 22nd day of December last, by her children coming in on her 68th anniversary birthday, with a fine dinner. All her brothers, and sisters now living, present. Mrs. Martin's maiden name was McWilliams, a sister to our township trustee R. C. Williams. She was born in South Carolina and emigrated to this part of Indiana in 1837.

Obituary - Benjamin Gast - On Thursday of last week, the long and painful sickness, of Ben Gast, ended in death. The remains were buried in the Old Cemetery, on Sunday.

Bela N. Bates - After an illness of several days, Bela N. Bates, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Boonville, died at his residence at 8 o'clock, Monday morning January 2nd. He was buried in the Old Cemetery, West of town, services being conducted by Rev. Tansey. Mr. Bates was born April 13, 1815, in Hampshire County, Mass. In 1841 he came to Boonville, and engaged in shoemaking. After a successful business for several years, he retired, and since has lived quietly at his home. He leaves a widow, and one daughter, Mrs. G. H. Spencer, who lives at Joplin, Missouri.

Newburgh Items - Mr. and Mrs. McCool left for Evansville, last Tuesday morning in a great haste, where Mr. McCool's brother, Edward McCool, had been instantly killed the previous evening, by falling from a lumber pile, 25 feet high.

Saturday, January 14, 1882

Edmund McCool, a son of the man who was lately killed at Evansville coal mines, was thrown from a furniture wagon Monday and injured so badly, that he died Tuesday morning.

Mr. Rob McKinney, brought home a bonny bride, from Evansville, last Thursday, who was formerly Miss Emma Schen.

Andrew Schrier, a citizen of Vanderburgh County, was run over and killed by a train, on the Belt railroad near Evansville, Tuesday night. At first thought, to be murder and robbery, a portion of clothing containing the money, however, was afterwards found lying on the track a short distance away, where it had been carried by the wheels, which fact dispelled the idea of murder and robbery.

Mr. W. C. Smith, whom it will be remembered, went to Washington city, some weeks since, in quest of an appointment under the Government, changed his mind and is now at St. Paul, Minnesota, engaged in the lumber business, whither he will move his family in the Spring.

Saturday, January 21, 1882

Died - William Hartley, near Yankeetown, died January 11th, Uncle Billy, as he was commonly called, was a soldier in the 8th Ind. in the Mexican war.

Mr. William Masters, living Northeast of Boonville, died Monday last, aged 40 years.

The writer had the pleasure last Saturday evening, of being present at the celebration of the 12th birthday, of Master Herbert Scales, the young son of Dr. W. B. Scales.

Mr. R. M. Piatt, went to St. Louis, on Tuesday on business. His wife and sister (Mrs) Albert McCool, accompanied him as far as Vincennes, where they visited friends during the week.

Saturday, January 28, 1882

James Ison, died near Richmond, Kentucky, on the 4th inst., aged 102. During the war of 1812 he passed the "time" in a mountain cave, where he made saltpetre, for the manufacture of powder for the American Army.

Mrs. Shriver, of Spottsville, Kentucky, who has been spending a week or 2, with relatives here, returned home last Monday, accompanied by her sister, Miss Lillie Williams.

On Saturday evening, Miss Kittie Moore, the young daughter of clerk R. D. O. Moore, celebrated her 11th birthday, by giving a party to her young friends, at the family residence.

Saturday, February 18, 1882

Miss Emma Hart, who has been spending the winter in Washigton City returned home last Saturday, having been called home by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Morgan.

Saturday, February 25, 1882

Boonville in keeping up with the outside world, now has a telephone exchange.

Saturday, March 4, 1882

Married - At the residence of the bride's parents, East of Boonville, Mr. Benton Baker, to Miss Sadie, 2nd daughter of Mr. John Hinman, Rev. Tansey officiating.

Mr. Fred Miehle, of Evansville, and Miss Maggie Roth, of Boonville, were quietly married on last Wednesday, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Speckman, of the German Methodist Church officiating.

Died - At his residence in Boonville, on Wednesday morning. Mr. A. J. Hopper, aged 45 years. Mr. Hopper's death was the result of a fall, which he received 2 weeks ago, while painting at the saloon of Mr. Jack Bilderback. Burial on Thursday in the Munday graveyard.

Saturday, March 11, 1882

Died - At the request of a friend, we want to inform the readers of the Enquirer, of the death of our friend, and neighbor, William D. Williams, of Skelton Township, who died February 27th at his residence of Peter Smith, of this (Boon) Township, after a protracted illness of several months. He leaves a widow, and 3 children. His remains were followed to the cemetery, near Folsomville. He was a son of Uncle Henry Williams, of Skelton Township. His aged parents, and his widow, and children, have our warmest sympathy.

Lynnville Items - Mrs. Dr. Billarb, of Boonville, is in town on a visit to her son, William F. Billarb, whose child is ill.

Suicide - The wife of Isaac Houghland, apparently shot herself, leaving her husband and 4 children.

Saturday, March 25, 1882

Died - Mr. August Dettling, one of Boonville's leading German businessmen, died last Sunday evening, at 6 o'clock, after a brief illness of typhoid fever, in his 32nd year of his age. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery.

Saturday, April 1, 1882

Mrs. Nancy Spence, aged 87 years, died at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Nancy McWilliams, on the 21st. inst. The deceased was a native of Ireland, and came to South Carolina 40 years ago.

A Suicide- Mary Brown, an insane pauper, confined in the county jail, committed suicide, by hanging herself with a pair of drawers, yesterday afternoon, about 1 o'clock. She had been dead about one hour when discovered. She was about 25 years and friendless.

The family of W. C. Smith, life-long residents of Boonville, left Wednesday for their new home in St. Paul, Minnesota. The family left many dear friends behind, who will miss them.

Saturday, April 8, 1882

Princeton Clarion - In one house in town, within 4 blocks of the square, there is a family consisting of 4 generations. They are Mrs. Cassandra Bell, her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Woods, her grand-daughter, Mrs. Bell Ewing, and 2 great grand-daughters, of Mrs. Bells.

Mrs. Amos Lemmon, of Rockport, was found by her husband, drowned in a cistern, Tuesday afternoon. The covering of the cistern gave away under her weight, and being alone in the house, no one heard her give any alarm for rescue. She was the daughter of the late Morris Sharp, and the niece of Col. Jones, of the Rockport Democrat, and was happily married about 3 years ago, but leaves no children.

Mrs. Anna Langford, nee Miss Anna Brashears, and husbnad of Evansville, visited friends in Boonville, during the week.

Saturday, April 15, 1882

Martin Holtzmiller, a coal miner, fell dead at Newburgh, last Saturday evening, of hemorrhage of the lungs. He was a native of Pomeroy, Ohio, where he has a wife, and children. The miners of Newburgh, buried their dead comrade, who with the exception of his fellow workmen, was friendless and almost penniless.

Saturday, April 22, 1882

Married last Sunday, Isaac E. McSwane, Sr., one of the oldest citizens of Hart Township, now in this 70th year, was joined in wedlock to Mrs. Elvira Foster, aged 48 years. This is Mr. McSwane's 3rd wife.

Last Sunday, Mrs. Belle Frazier, of Evansville, died from an overdose of morphine. Circumstances were such that suspicions of foul play were aroused, but a post-mortem examination of the dead woman was held, and the suspicions dispelled. The deceased was a daughter of John Harpole, Esquire of Boonville. Burial in family burial ground, a few miles West of the city.

Saturday, April 29, 1882

On last Tuesday, Mr. Alexander Willis, died at his home, a few miles North of Boonville, after a short illness. Funeral Wednesday morning, conducted by the Masonic Order.

Married on the 26th inst., at the parsonage of the M. E. church, in this place, by the Rev. J. M. Hilliard, Mr. William Spillman, to Miss Maggie Bowdish, daughter of late A. E. Bowdish.

Married at Mankato, Minnesota, on the 19th of April 188s, by Rev. Father Schnitzler, William Swint, of Boonville, Indiana, to Lizzie F. McMahan, daughter of Dr. W. R. McMahan, of Mankato. A reception followed at the home of Mrs. F. E. Kennedy, bride's sister.

Married at the Washington Hotel, in Newburgh, on the 16th, Mr. Adolph Brizius, of Newburgh, to Miss Lena Reinit, of Evansville. The groom is a son of Mr. Frank Brizius.

At Mt. Vernon, on last Tuesday, Rev. John Tansey, of the M. E. Church of Boonville, was married to Miss Emma Sarrel, of Mt. Vernon, Indiana.

Mr. Will Weyerbacher, was married on last Wednesday afternoon, to Miss Mary Downs. Ceremony performed at residence of the bride's father, Mr. T. J. Downs, a short distance of town.

Saturday, May 6, 1882

Lynnville Items - F. William Billert, and wife, former citizens of this place, but now of Boonville, spent Sunday here visiting friends.

Died - Mrs. Mary France, the eldest daughter of Mr. Gurley Taylor, died at her father's home on Sunday evening, of consumption. Funeral Wednesday. Burial in family burial ground, near Yankeetown.

Personals - Messrs. John Nester, and William Kinderman, have returned home, from St. Louis, where they went last Saturday, to place the orphan children of the late A. J. Hopper, in the German Orphan Home in that city.

Saturday, May 13, 1882

Mrs. Beatley, mother of Mrs. Homer Hazen, visited Boonville, during the week.

Mr. I. J. Baldwin, of Lynnville, returned from Bentonville, Ark., whence he had been, to settle his father's estate.

Saturday, May 20, 1882

Married - At the residence of the bride's parents, on Sunday evening last, Mr. McClellan Pearce, to Miss Dena Hebner, with Rev. Yates officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Peter Hebner, the jeweler. The Enquirer wishes the young couple
a happy life.

Considerable excitement was occasioned in town Tuesday evening, by the unaccounted for absence from home of Mrs. Koutz, the aged mother of Mr. Henry Koutz. Mrs. Koutz, lives with her daughter Mrs. Peter Hebner, and she had gone off unobserved, to visit a neighbor.

Dr. Edwin Walker, accompanied by his wife, was in town, Tuesday and Wednesday, the guests of his brother in law, Mr. J. M. Hudspeth. The doctor was in attendance upon the Warrick Medical Society.

Saturday, May 27, 1882

Mr. George Wood, son of Mr. James Wood, who has held the position of agent at Birdseye, a new station on the L. E. & St. L. R. R. in Dubois County, has resigned his position, and returned home.

Saturday, June 3, 1882

The Methodist Church, at half past 4 o'clock Thursday evening, was the scene of a very elegant wedding. The seating capacity of the building was severely taxed to accomodate the large gathering of ladies and gentlemen, who had gone in response to invitation, to witness the marriage of Mr. C. C. Matthewson, to Miss Alia Link. The bridegroom is one of the leading druggists of Boonville, and is well and favorably known all over this part of the State. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. Jesse Link, and was a favorite member of society.

At the residence of Mr. John Schneider, Thursday afternoon, Mr. Henry Gelhousen, and Miss Susana Bowel, were united in matrimony. Rev. Mehl performing the ceremony.

Saturday, June 10, 1882

The marriage ceremonies of Mr. Jacob Franz, Jr., of Boonville, and Miss Kate Fisher, of Evansville, were solemnized Tuesday morning, in Boonville, Rev. Father Conrad officiating.

Saturday, July 1, 1882

Miss Ada Dailey, is expected home today, from Delaware, Ohio, where she has been attending school during the past winter.

Cadet W. B. Hoggatt, the representative in the United States Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Md., of this Congressional district, has just passed his examination, and stood 2nd in a class of 52 members. Cadet Hoggatt, is a son of Mr. M. M.Hoggatt, Esquire of Boonville. He leaves now on his annual cruise, up the coast on the U. S. steamer Dale, and returns in September to visit friends and relatives, here in Boonville.

Saturday, July 15, 1882

On Sabbath, the 3rd day of July, W. D. Ferguson, Esquire, joined in the bonds of holy wedlock, Mr. Elijah A. Massie, and Miss Nellie Graham, daughter of H. J. B. Graham.

William and Isaac Hudson, father and son, of Greer Township, were in town on Monday. Since they have left Boonville and returned grangers, they seem to enjoy farm life, equal to the best of farmers.

James Masters, son of the late James H. Masters, died Wednesday the 12th inst., of consumption, aged 21 years. The remains were buried at Maple Grove Cemetery.

Mr. Charles Morgan, and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Margaret Taylor, and Miss Emma Hart, the mother and sister of Mrs. Morgan, have gone to the health resorts of Minnesota for a visit, during the summer. Mrs. Morgan's health is very poor, and it is hoped the visit will benefit her.

Saturday, July 22, 1882

The infant child of Phillip Lutz, Esquire, died Saturday evening the 25th inst., and buried Sunday.

Ethel, daughter of Joseph Stone, Esquire, died Thursday night, the 20th inst., very suddenly of congestion, aged 14 years.

Mr. Charles Haas, living near Degonia Springs, died last Friday evening, the 14th inst., at the age of 47 years. The funeral took place Sunday. The deceased was a thrifty German farmer, and was well and favorably known.

On Monday the 17th inst., Emma, wife of W. H. Patterson, died of consumption, after a long illness. The funeral took place Tuesday at 2 o'clock P.M., burial at Maple Grove Cemetery. The deceased was 30 years old, and was the daughter of Robert Taylor, Esquire.

Saturday, July 29, 1882

On last Sabbath night, the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the South part of this (Hart) Township, and known as the Fletcher Chapel, was burned. It was the work of an incendiary. The house was a log structure, and the oldest meeting house in the County, having been built over 40 years.

As was mentioned briefly in last week's Enquirer, Lizzie, wife of Mr. Charles Morgan, died last Friday morning, the 21st inst., at St. Paul, Minnesota, were she had been taken in hopes of benefiting her health. Remains arrived home, Sunday morning. The funeral took place at 4:30 Sunday afternoon, the remains being taken to the family burying ground, at Mt. Pisgah Church, for interment.

Saturday, August 5, 1882

Miss Elizabeth Zurmuhlen, daughter of Rev. Zurmuhlen, an accomplished young lady, who remained at Aurora, when her parents moved to this place, arrived here last Saturday.

On Monday evening the 31st, ult., at the residence of Mr. John G. Shryock, Mr. P. P. Carlisle, to Mrs. Etheda Aust.

Saturday, August 12, 1882

We hurriedly announced on yesterday, the death of Dr. Eli Lewis, on which occurred on Tuesday evening, August 1st, 1882, at his residence in this city, after a painful illness of a month duration. Many of the facts were but partially given, and the opportunity has been afforded of giving them more complete. Dr. Lewis, was born in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania on July 15, 1811. His father, Dr. Webster Lewis, was an old and influential physician of that place. He began the practice of medicine at the age of 20, and soon thereafter, married Hannah Poist, who died the year afterward. In January 1836, he married Jane Laughlin, at Lisburn, Pennsylvania, whose only child, Ellis Lewis, a prominent lawyer, is now living at Osage City. She lived but a short time, and in February, 1841, he married Eliza Bethel, now his widow, at Boonville, to whom were born Mrs. Emma Admire, the wife of Capt. J. V. Admire, of Osage City, and our worthy townsmen, Eli Lewis, Jr. and Frank A. Lewis. At a very early day, he migrated to Indiana and thence he came to Kansas, over 15 years ago, to end his days. He served honorable in the Union Army, in the war of rebellion, and twice elected a term in the Ind. legislature. He has closed a long and useful life.

Deaths - On Saturday, August 12th, at 11 o'clock A.M., Lizzie Helen, daughter of F. T. and Christina Eller, age 5 years, 29 days. Funeral services at family residence on Sunday, at 2 o'clock P.M. Burial at Maple Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. John Cockrum, is visiting her father, George A. Bittroff, at Evansville.

On the 7th inst., by John O'Grady, Esquire, Mr. Jacob Sprier, of this place, to Mrs. Eva Lutz, of Evansville.

On the 27th of July, 1882, Mrs. Elizabeth A. C. Miller, (died) of consumption, aged 53 years.

Saturday, August 19, 1882

On Friday of last week, Mrs. Catherine Heilman, a widow living in Greer Township, this county, came to Boonville and instituted suit against Herman Topf, the saddler of this place, for bastardy. Mrs. Heilman alleges that Topf, won her from the path of virtue. She asked $500.00 for her inured honor, and maintenance of her child, which was born last July, but she accepted $120.00 as a comprise.

On Friday night, August 11th, Amelia C., wife of George Shaffer, died of disease of the heart, aged 28 years. Funeral Monday morning at 10 o'clock, at family residence, burial at Maple Grove Cemetery. Rev. Tansey officiating. The deceased leaves a husband, and 2 boys, one about 6 years of age, the other a baby, only 5 weeks.

Saturday, August 26, 1882

A private letter from Stephen Shelton, of Tomberlin, Ark., and a former citizen of this county, conveys the sad news of the death of his son, Monroe, while hunting deer in company with his father, and Jasper Bates. Mr. Shelton says "Monroe went through a thicket to run the deer out to us, and when Bates saw the weeds shaking he thought it was a deer, and shot and killed my son. He never spoke. I got to him in a few minutes, but he soon breathed his last in my arms". Mr. Shelton has the sympathy of his old friends in Warrick County.

Samuel Barker, Esquire, commissioner of Vanderburgh County, was in town during the week, visiting his brother Dr. W. L. Barker. Mr. Barker has resided on his farm near Henderson 50 years this fall, he may be set down as "located".

Saturday, September 2, 1882

Our town was thrown into a state of mourning, on August 25th, by the announcement of the death of one of our most worthy and honorable citizens, Capt. Daniel G. Thompson, which occurred at 4 P.M. that afternoon, at the age of 52 years, 3 months, and 12 days. During the late rebellion, at the call of his country, to rescue it from the hands of rebels, he stepped forth and took an active part in raising men for the army, and so energetic and perserving did he labor, that he was unanimously chosen Capt. of Co. F, 42nd Ind. Vols., which position he filled with honor for about one year, when failing health compelled him to reluctantly resign, his commission and return home with a shattered constitution, from which he never recovered. He was a Mason, and member of the M.E. Church. The deceased leaves a wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters.

On the 28th day of August, it was our pleasure to attend the golden wedding of Richard Langford, Sr., and his estimable wife, whose maiden name was Watson, and made her home with Richard Browning, Esquire, near the little village of Stringtown, in Vanderburgh County, at the time of their marriage. Mr. Langford was a native of Huntingtonshire, England, and was born on March 30, 1811, and his wife was born December 13th, 1811. In February 1832, he came to Evansville, and on the 28th of the following August, he was married. The union was a happy one, and resulted in the birth of 9 children, 3 of whom are now living, 2 sons and 1 daughter. General Evans, the founder of Evansville, issued the marriage license to this couple, and Squire Craig united them. They are both members of the Regular Baptist Church. Their home is now near Lynnville, on a beautiful and well cultivated farm, on which they settled in 1854.

Saturday, September 16, 1882

On Tuesday morning, the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. J. Tillman, Jacob Weyerbacher and Caroline Gurletz, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, Squire John O'Grady performing the ceremony. Mr. Weyerbacher and his wife, left Tuesday morning on a town train for Evansville where they took the ______ for Louisville, Dayton and to other

At the residence of Jacob Weyerbacher, Jr., on Tuesday evening the 12th inst., Charley Franz, and Lena Decker, were married,
Rev. Father Conrad officiating.

Mrs. Malinda Ann Martin, wife of E. H. Martin, died last Sabbath, at the time of the tolling of the church bell.

Saturday, September 23, 1882

Lynnville Items - Elijah F. Camp, MD, of Cynthiana, Posey County, of whom we made mention last week, as being ill at the home of his brother, George H. Camp, died on Sunday morning, the 17th inst., in the 39th year of his age. Dr. Camp was born and raised in this place, but a number of years ago studied medicine and surgery, and after graduating with honors, at the Cincinnati Medical College, he entered upon the practice of his profession in Spencer County, where he remained until one year ago, and then removed to Cynthiana. He was a member of the Regular Baptist Church. He leaves a wife, and 5 daughters, to mourn. The remains were interred in Lynnville cemetery.

Mrs. Louisa Ratter, an insane sister of Charles Werry, Esquire, living a few miles East of Boonville, where she has been in close confinement since her return from the asylum at Indianapolis, last March, made her escape on Wednesday morning of
last week, since when nothing has been heard of her.

The divorce suit of Phyletus Campbell vs Nancy Campbell, resulted in the Judge granting a divorce, the parties agreed to \compromise on $200.00 additional to what had already been mutually agreed.

Married at Washington City, D. C., on the 13th inst., Mr. Robert H. Wood, son of James Wood, Esquire of Boonville, was married to Miss Hester E. Slingland, of that city.

Mrs. Minerva Jane McLane, wife of Mr. Z. McLane, departed this life at her home near Crowville, this county, on the 22nd inst., she leaves a husband and 4 children.

Louisa Ratter, was found near Center Church, west of town, on Tuesday, and returned to her friends, by Mr. L. Eckstein. The poor woman had been 14 days without food, was reduced almost to a skeleton, having weighed 160 lbs. before she left home and only 80 pounds when found.

Saturday, October 7, 1882

Armer Reed, an old citizen of this county, died on Saturday, the 3rd inst., aged 68 years. He represented Warrick County in the legislature, as a Republican, and was ever a steadfast member of that party.

Eli Overlin, Esquire, a well known insurance agent of Evansville, died in that city Sunday night. Mr. Overlin was one of the serving members of the 25th Ind., and the boys will be pained to hear that another of the regiment has gone.

Saturday, October 21, 1882

Mrs. Christina Weyerbacher, wife of Mr. Charles Weyerbacher, of Evansville, died on Monday morning last, at her home in that city of consumption. Although it was known that Mrs. Weyerbacher had not long to linger in this world, that her life was gradually wasting away, her death was a painful and sudden shock to her many relatives, and warm friends in Boonville. Mr. Weyerbacher married his wife in Posey County, where she was born and reared, and after a long and prosperous residence inBoonville, they removed to Evansville, about 11 years ago, where the worthy couple have since resided. Mrs. Weyerbacher leaves 3 children, Charles, Henry and Leva, to mourn her loss.

Mr. James Edwards, or Uncle Jimmy as he was familiarly known, and called, died very suddenly at his home in Chandler, on Tuesday evening. He had been in Boonville, on Tuesday all day and was apparently in splendid health, and returned home in the afternoon and immediately after supper, died.

On Thursday morning, at 7:30 o'clock, Dr. Travis D. Scales and Miss Emma Hart, were married at the home of the bride's parents, East of town (Boonville). Rev. Wolf, of the Methodist Church officiated.

Weyerbacher, Christina
October 21, 1882 Boonville Enquirer

Mrs. Christina Weyerbacher, wife of Mr. Charles Weyerbacher, of Evansville, died on Monday morning last at her home in that city of consumption. Although it was known that Mrs. Weyerbacher had not long to linger in this world - that her life was gradually wasting away - her death was a painful and sudden shock to her many relatives and warm friends in Boonville. Mr. Weyerbacher married his wife in Posey county, where she was born and reared, and after a long and prosperous residence in Boonville removed to Evansville about eleven years ago, where the worthy couple have since resided. Mrs. Weyerbacher leaves three children, Charles, Henry and Lena to mourn her loss. The family have the sympathy of this community in the sad affliction.

Saturday, October 28, 1882

On last Thursday, Mr. Henry Raibourn, of our town, was joined in bonds of matrimony, to Miss Laura Yager, daughter of Joseph Yager, trustee of Columbia Township, in Gibson County.

On last Sabbath, Rev. James Ferguson, of the Methodist Church, preached 2 funeral services in our town. At 10:30 o'clock in the morning, at the Baptist Church, he preached the funeral of Miss Lucinda Langford, step-daughter of William Dowell, of Folsomville. In the afternoon, he preached the funeral of Dr. Jacob Jones, a young physician of Pike County, who died about a year ago.

Saturday, November 11, 1882

Married on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Green, Mr. William H. Gentry, to Miss Rhoda Fleener, a daughter of Isaac B. Fleener.

Saturday, November 18, 1882

Dr. T. M. Howard, and wife, went to Louisville, Wednesday to witness the marriage of Mrs. Howard's sister, Mrs. Jackson.

On Wednesday afternoon, Miss Ruby Knight, daughter of A. Knight, Esquire, died after a protracted illness of typhoid malaria fever.

Saturday, November 25, 1882

Honorable James W. Cabbage, was born September 12, 1830, in Russell County, Kentucky, from whence his parents moved to Warrick County, Indiana, before he attained the age of 3 years.

On Thursday the 9th inst., Thomas Jones, and Miss Carrie Mayhall, daughter of G. C. Mayhall, went to Boonville, or some other inland town, and were married.

We regret to record the death of Mary E. Jane, wife of Samuel Carnahan, daughter of Thomas Langford, and step-daughter of William Dowell, who died on the 9th inst., at her home near Folsomville.

Martha E., wife of Abraham G. Hopper, died on October 20th, 1882, aged 25 years, 5 months and 15 days. She leaves a husband, and 3 small children.

Invitations have been received in Boonville, to be present at the wedding of Mr. Will T. Smith, Jr. of Owensboro, Kentucky, to Miss Mattie R. Allen, daughter of Mr. A. M. Allen, of Delaware, Kentucky. The ceremony of which will be solemnized at the Methodist Church of the latter city, on next Wednesday morning, the 29th inst., at 9 o'clock.

Mr. Aaron Wilson, and Miss Dora Cromeans, were married at 4 P.M. on Thursday afternoon, at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. George Cromeans.

Saturday, December 2, 1882

Mrs. Saleta Evans, founder of the Evans Hall, in Evansville, died last Thursday, and was buried on Sunday. Mrs. Evans was one of the old pioneers, and early settlers of the pretentious city, of her late residence, and was the widow of a son of Gen. Robert Evans, for whom the city was named.

Saturday, December 9, 1882

On Tuesday evening, November 14, 1882, at 6:30 P.M., Miss Ruby Evangeline Knight, a daughter of Mr. A. Knight, living 2 miles West of Boonville, after a protracted illness from typhoid fever, and pneumonia, passed from among the living. The funeral services were held in Hebron Church on the Newburgh-Evansville Road. On the following Thursday, at 2 P.M., Rev. Darby, of Evansville, conducting the services, after which the remains were taken to their last resting place, and interred in the little graveyard on the old farm where she was born.

Louis Brinkmeyer was wedded to Nancy E. Barton, at the residence of the bride's father, James Barton, on Thanksgiving.

The children and grandchildren of Rev. J. W. Youngblood, entertained the venerable gentlemen, at the residence of his son in law, Hon. Robert Perigo, with a birthday dinner, last Friday, the 1st inst. The celebration being his 86th birthday. The old man, so well known as Uncle Johnny, has served the master in the ministry for 60 years. Until recently he has been quite hearty, but is now growing feeble, and the sands of his useful life have almost run out.

Saturday, December 16, 1882

The funeral of Mrs. Dr. W. G. Ralston took place from the family residence on 4th St., yesterday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. W. J. Darby, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Rev. J. L. Pitner, of Trinity M. E. Church. A special train was charted to Boonville. Brief services were held at the grave, in which Rev. Mr. Wolfe, of Boonville, assisted. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Alvah Johnson, H. J. Schlaefer, L. M. Rice, William Davidson, James M. Schackelford, J. W. Compton, W. S. Pollard and J. E. Williamson.

The family of Mr. Arch Knight, now residing near Boonville, but for many years residents of Knight Township, in this county, are passing thru a series of severe afflections. A few weeks ago, a promising daughter fell a victim to typhoid fever. Yesterday morning, the eldest daughter Miss Bessie, died after a brief, but severe illness. A 3rd daughter of Mr. Knight is in a precarious condition and doubts are entertained as to her recovery.

Saturday, December 23, 1882

Matilda Eby, of the late David Eby, of Union, this township, died at the family residence on the 12th inst., in the 67th year of her age. After an illness of 2 weeks. With her husband she settled upon the farm where she died, 48 years ago. They were natives of, and came from Kentucky, to this state, at an early day. She was a M. E. Church member.

The pleasant announcement is made that Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Talor, of Indianapolis, will make Evansville their home in the future, and will reside with Judge Asa Iglehart, the father of Mrs. Taylor, on Upper 2nd Street. Tuesday evening.



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